Cotton Act, 1914

Chapter 227


Cotton Act, 1914

Chapter 227

  • Commenced on 9 May 1914
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996.]
  • [This legislation has been revised and consolidated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Zambia. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 1996.]
[4 of 1914; 7 of 1924; 47 of 1963; 25 of 1969; Federal Act 35 of 1954; Government Notices 319 of 1964; 497 of 1964; 238 of 1972; Act No. 13 of 1994]An Act to provide for the protection and control of the cotton industry; to regulate the importation of cotton seed; to prevent the spread of diseases affecting cotton; and to provide for matters incidental thereto.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Cotton Act.

2. Regulations

The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations as to the following matters and may declare that such regulations or any of them shall apply to the whole of Zambia or to any part or parts thereof, namely:
(a)to deal with diseases affecting cotton;
(b)to regulate the importation of cotton seed;
(c)generally for the protection and control of the cotton industry.
[As amended by No. 47 of 1963 and G.N. No. 319 of 1964]

3. Penalties

Such regulations may provide penalties for their breach, attempted breach or non-observance, not exceeding imprisonment with or without hard labour for a term of three months or a fine of seven hundred and fifty penalty units, or both and, in addition to such penalties, may provide that any seed cotton or implement in respect of which a breach, attempted breach or non-observance of any regulation has been committed shall be confiscated or otherwise dealt with, with or without compensation; and where no penalty is imposed by regulation, then the breach or attempted breach or non-observance of any regulation shall be punishable to the extent aforesaid.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]
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History of this document

31 December 1996 this version
09 May 1914