Victoria Memorial Institute (Repeal) Act, 1952

Chapter 177


Victoria Memorial Institute (Repeal) Act, 1952

Chapter 177

  • Commenced on 24 July 1952
  • [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996.]
[5 of 1952]An Act to make provision for the disposal of the property of the trust of the Victoria Memorial Institute.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Victoria Memorial Institute (Repeal) Act.

2. Property of Institute

All property of whatever nature of the Victoria Memorial Institute which is at the commencement of this Act vested in the trustees or the Committee of Management of the said Institute shall continue to be vested in the said trustees or Committee of Management respectively until such time as orders and directions have been made or given in respect of that property by the High Court under the provisions of section three.

3. Court to give orders and directions

A Judge of the High Court shall give such orders and directions as to the disposal of the property mentioned in section two as may seem to him to be just and equitable.
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History of this document

31 December 1996 this version
24 July 1952