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- Is commenced by Railways Act (Commencement) Order, 1984
Railways Act, 1982
Chapter 453
- Published
- Commenced on 1 April 1984 by Railways Act (Commencement) Order, 1984
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996.]
- [This legislation has been revised and consolidated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Zambia. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 1996.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
2. Application
The provisions of this Act shall not apply to the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Authority established by section four of the Tanzania-Zambia Railway Act.[Cap. 454]3. Interpretation
Part II – Dissolution of Board
4. Winding up and dissolution of Board
5. Vesting of assets and liabilities of Board in Company
6. Registration of property to be transferred by Board
Whenever in pursuance of this Act, any property, rights, liabilities or obligations of the Board are deemed transferred, in respect of the transfer of which any written law provides for registration, the Board shall make an application in writing to the appropriate registration authority for the registration of such transfer, and such authority shall make such entries in the appropriate register as shall give effect to such transfer and, where appropriate issue to the transferee concerned a certificate of title in respect of the said property or make necessary amendments to the register, as the case may be, and, if presented therefor, make endorsement on the deeds relating to the title, right or obligation concerned; and no registration fees, stamp duty or other duties shall be payable in respect thereof.7. Terms of service of employees of Board upon transfer
8. Legal proceedings
9. Interpretation
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—"Board" means the Zambia Railways Board established by section three of the Zambia Railways Act;[Cap. 767 of the old edition]"Company" means Zambia Railways Limited, a company registered in that name under the Companies Act.[Cap. 388]Part III – Railway permits
10. Rail services to be provided in accordance with railway permit
No person shall provide any rail service within, into or out of Zambia otherwise in accordance with the terms and conditions of a railway permit issued by the Minister.11. Application for railway permit
An application for a railway permit to provide any rail service or to construct any railway shall be lodged in such manner as the Minister may, by statutory instrument, prescribe; and shall be accompanied by such details as the Minister may direct.12. Issuance of railway permits
Part IV – Entering upon or acquiring land
13. Power to enter upon land for railway purposes
14. Power to enter upon land to prevent accidents, etc.
15. Power to enter upon land to alter position of pipes, etc.
16. Power to take water
A railway company may, for the purposes of such railway company, take any water from any natural watercourse, subject to the provisions of any written law regulating the use of water.17. Compulsory acquisition of land for railway purposes
Whenever the Minister is satisfied that—18. Procedure for claiming compensation
19. High Court may determine certain matters
Part V – Road and rail crossing and accommodation works
20. Restriction on road construction across railway
Except with the prior approval in writing of a railway company, no person shall construct or carry any road across any railway:Provided that any person aggrieved by the refusal of a railway company to give such approval may appeal to the Minister.21. Construction of railway across public road
22. Level crossings, protective works, bridges and subways
Whenever a railway company and any person whose road crosses a railway fail to agree as to—23. Accommodation works
24. Additional accommodation works
If at any time—25. Inquiry by Minister
Where any matter under this Part has been referred to the Minister, he may cause an inquiry to be made before making a determination thereon.26. Appeal to High Court
Any person, other than a highway authority, who is aggrieved by any determination of the Minister made under this Part may appeal to the High Court.27. Interpretation
In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires—"highway authority" means the highway authority responsible for the construction, care and maintenance of any road or class of road in accordance with the provisions of the Roads and Road Traffic Act;[Cap. 464]"person" includes a highway authority.Part VI – Inspectors of Railways
28. Appointment and duties of Inspectors of Railways
29. Powers of Inspectors of Railways
30. Duties of railway company in respect of functions of Inspectors of Railways
It shall be the duty of every railway company—Part VII – Opening new railway and putting into service new type of rolling stock
31. Restriction on opening new railway or using new type of rolling stock
No railway company shall open a new railway or put into service a new type of rolling stock otherwise than in accordance with the provisions of this Part.32. Notice of proposed opening of railway or use of new type of rolling stock
33. Condition precedent to opening railway or putting into service new type of rolling stock
A railway company shall not open a railway for the public carriage of passengers or goods, or put into service on a railway a new type of rolling stock, until the Minister, or an Inspector of Railways authorised in that behalf by the Minister, has approved in writing the opening of such railway, or the putting into service on the railway of such new type of rolling stock.34. Procedure for approval
35. Alteration of railway
36. Accidents, temporary suspension of traffic, temporary diversion, etc.
37. Power to close railway or to discontinue use of rolling stock
38. Re-opening of closed railway, etc.
39. Delegation of Minister's powers
Part VIII – Accidents
40. Duty to report accidents
When an accident occurs in the course of any operations carried on by any railway company which—41. Inquiries into accidents
42. Submission of returns of accidents
Every railway company shall submit to the Minister a return of all accidents occurring on its railway in such form and such manner and at such intervals as the Minister may direct.Part IX – Railway operations
43. Powers of railway company to determine conditions for carriage of passengers and luggage
44. General right of persons to be carried as passengers
Subject to the provisions of this Act, any person who has tendered to an authorised employee the proper fare for the ticket he desires shall be entitled to obtain such ticket and to be carried as a passenger by the railway company in accordance with the conditions subject to which such ticket is issued:Provided that if, in the opinion of an authorised employee, a person who applies for a ticket, or a person in possession of a ticket or free pass, appears to be—45. General conditions on which tickets, etc., are to be issued
46. Fares, etc., payable by person travelling without valid ticket, etc.
47. Conditions of carriage of luggage
48. Railway company may determine conditions for carriage of goods, etc.
49. General right to have goods carried
Subject to the provisions of this Act, any person who has tendered to an authorised employee the appropriate rates and other charges, and has complied with the conditions upon which goods may be accepted for carriage by the railway company, shall be entitled to obtain a receipt for such goods and have such goods carried in accordance with the conditions of carriage:Provided that if, in the opinion of an authorised employee—50. Description, etc., of goods to be delivered
51. Goods may be sold to pay fares, rates, etc.
52. Unclaimed goods in possession of railway company
53. Indemnity where goods claimed by two persons, etc.
Where—54. Dangerous or offensive goods, etc.
55. Power to fix rates, fares and other charges
Subject to the provisions of this Act, a railway company shall have power to fix and alter from time to time the rates, fares and other charges for the services and facilities provided by it.56. Alteration of rates, fares and other charges
57. Preparation of Tariff Book, etc.
58. Determination of maximum load, etc.
Part X – Responsibility of railway company as carrier and warehouseman
59. Liability for loss of life, etc., of passengers
60. No liability for delay to passengers
A railway company shall not be liable for any loss arising from delay to any passenger caused by61. Liability for loss, etc., of goods in transit
Subject to the provisions of this Act, except when the owner or consignor or his representative accompanies the property and retains control thereof, a railway company shall be liable for any loss or misdelivery of, or damage to, goods occurring, while such goods are in transit, from any cause whatsoever unless it proves that such loss, misdelivery or damage arose from—62. Liability for delay, etc., of goods
A railway company shall not be liable for any loss arising from the detention, delay or deviation in the carriage of goods unless such detention, delay or deviation is caused by want of reasonable foresight and care on the part of the railway company or of any of its employees or agents:Provided that the railway company shall not in any circumstances be liable for any loss arising from such detention, delay or deviation—63. Limitation of liability for animals
64. Limitation of liability for loss, etc., of specified articles
65. Limitation of liability for loss, etc., where false account given
The liability of a railway company in respect of any goods carried by it in relation to which an account false in any material particular has been given under subsection (1) of section fifty shall not in any case exceed the value of the goods as calculated in accordance with the description contained in such false account.66. Limitation of liability by contract
67. Liability for loss, etc., of goods
68. Limitation of liability for loss, etc., of goods deposited in cloakroom
69. Liability for damage caused by fire
70. Burden of proof
In any proceedings against a railway company for compensation under the provisions of sections sixty-one, sixty-two or sixty-seven, it shall not be necessary for the person claiming compensation to prove how such loss, misdelivery, damage, detention, delay or deviation referred to in those sections was caused.71. Notice of claim
72. Overcharge and undercharge
Part XI – Offences and penalties
73. Endangering safety
Any person who by any wilful, negligent or careless act or omission obstructs or causes to be obstructed any train or vehicle using the railway, or endangers or causes to be endangered the safety of any person in or upon any train or vehicle using the railway, or aids, assists, counsels or procures any such act or omission shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to imprisonment for a term not exceeding twenty-one years.74. Other serious offences
Any person who—75. Minor offences
Any person who—76. Travelling without valid ticket, etc.
77. Offences by passengers
Any person who, being a passenger on any train or vehicle of a railway company—78. Offences relating to tickets
Any person who—79. Forgeries, etc., of tickets
Any person who—80. False returns
Any person who makes, either knowingly or recklessly, any statement which is false in any material particular in any return, claim or other document which is required or authorised to be made under this Act for use by a railway company shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding five hundred penalty units or to imprisonment not exceeding two months, or to both.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]81. Unlawfully transporting dangerous goods
82. Power of arrest, removal and place of trial
83. Offences which are offences under other laws
Any person who commits an offence under this Act, which is also an offence under the Penal Code or under any other written law, may be proceeded against under this Act or under the Penal Code or under such other written law and the provisions of section eighty-four shall apply to all such proceedings.[Cap. 87]84. Recovery of fees and damages
A court may order any person convicted before it of an offence under this Act to pay the fare or other charges shown to be due by such person to any railway company, or any damages in respect of injury caused in the commission of the offence by such person to property or premises owned, used or occupied by any railway company, or any costs or expenses incurred by any railway company in the prosecution of such person for the offence, and any sum ordered to be paid may be recovered in accordance with the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code relating to the recovery of fines.[Cap. 88]85. Brief particulars of offences and penalties to be exhibited
Every railway company shall publish brief particulars of every offence for which any penalty is imposed by this Act affecting persons other than its employees and of the amount of fine or the term of imprisonment for every such offence, and shall cause such particulars to be exhibited at every booking office and such other places as the Minister may direct and such particulars shall be renewed as often as the same or any part thereof is obliterated or destroyed:Provided that the failure to publish such brief particulars of any such offence or penalty or the failure to exhibit them shall not be a defence to a charge in respect of any such offence.Part XII – Offences by employees of railway company and penalties
86. Employee of railway company demanding improper amount
An employee of a railway company who, with intent to defraud, demands, solicits or receives from any passenger, or from any person delivering goods to such railway company for carriage or warehousing or from any person making use of the facilities provided by such railway company, any greater or lesser amount than he should otherwise demand or receive; or similarly demands, solicits or receives any other thing of value, shall be guilty of an offence and liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding two thousand five hundred penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year, or to both.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]87. Property of railway company in custody of its employee, etc.
88. Dismissal of convicted employees
An employee of a railway company who is convicted of an offence under section eighty-nine or ninety shall be dismissed from the service of the railway company without any further proceedings being taken.89. Causing dangerous situation by neglect of duty
An employee of a railway company who—90. Drunkenness on duty
An employee of a railway company who while—91. Breath test
92. Laboratory test
93. Interpretation
For the purposes of this Part—Part XIII – General provisions
94. Use of railway under construction
95. Limitation
Where any action or legal proceeding is commenced against a railway company for any act done in pursuance of, or in the exercise or purported exercise of its powers under a railway permit or under this Act, or in respect of any alleged neglect of default in the exercise of any such powers, the following provisions shall apply:96. Medical examination of person claiming compensation
Whenever any person claims compensation against a railway company in respect of any injury alleged to have been suffered by him as a result of the operations of such railway company any court or person having by law, or by consent of the parties, authority to determine the claim may order that the person injured be examined by a medical practitioner named in the order and may also make such order with respect to the costs of the examination as may be deemed fit.97. Arrest of employee of railway company
98. Restriction on execution against property of railway company
Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in any written law, where any judgment or order has been obtained against a railway company, no execution or attachment, or process in the nature thereof, shall be issued against such railway company or against any of its property; but such railway company shall, within thirty days, do all that is necessary to comply with such judgement or order.99. Maintenance of order on premises, trains, vehicles, etc., of railway company
Subject to the approval and direction of the Minister responsible for home affairs, a railway company may, by notice in writing, authorise any of its employees to maintain order upon any premises occupied by such railway company or in any of its trains or vehicles and any employee so authorised shall, in the performance of such duty, have all the powers, rights, privileges and protection of a police officer.100. Condition of service and regulation of conduct of employees
101. Rules by railway company
102. Approval of Minister
A railway company shall not exercise any of its powers contained in section forty-three, forty-eight, one hundred, or one hundred and one without first obtaining the written approval of the Minister in that behalf.103. Regulations by Minister
The Minister may, by statutory instrument, make regulations prescribing anything which may be prescribed under this Act and in respect of which no other prescribing authority is specified; and may, in like manner, make regulations for the better carrying out of the provisions of this Act.104. Rules by Chief Justice
The Chief Justice may, by statutory instrument, make rules with respect to—105. Repeal and savings
History of this document
31 December 1996 this version
01 April 1984
Commenced by
Railways Act (Commencement) Order, 1984
Subsidiary legislation
Railways (Transportation of Heavy Goods) Regulations, 2018 | Statutory Instrument 7 of 2018 | 2 February 2018 |