National Parks and Wildlife Act, 1991
Chapter 201
- Commenced on 6 September 1991
- [This is the version of this document at 31 December 1996.]
- [This legislation has been revised and consolidated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Zambia. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 1996.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the National Parks and Wildlife Act.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"aerodrome" has the meaning assigned to it by section two of the Aviation Act;[Cap. 444]"aircraft" includes all flying machines, aeroplanes, seaplanes, helicopters, flying boats, and other aircraft designed to be heavier than air, and includes all airships, balloons, kites and other aircraft designed to be lighter than air, whether captive, navigable or free and whether controlled by a human agency or not;"animal" means any vertebrate animal, including any mammal, bird, reptile and amphibian and the egg of any bird or reptile, but does not include a fish or a human being;"Appeals Board" means the wildlife Police Appeals Board constituted under section twenty-four;"apprentice professional hunter's licence" means a licence issued under section eighty-nine;"appropriate fee" in relation to any licence issued under Part VII, means, in the case of any game licence so issued, the fee prescribed by regulations made under section sixty-two; in the case of a professional hunter's licence, the fee prescribed in the Second Schedule; and in relation to any trophy dealer's permit, the fee prescribed in the Second Schedule;"bird licence" means a game licence as specified in section sixty-eight and issued under section sixty-nine;"bird sanctuary" means an area declared as a bird sanctuary under section one hundred and eighty-five;"Board" means the National Parks Board established by section thirty;"capture" includes the taking of eggs or nests;"council" means any urban, township or rural council established, or deemed to have been established, under the Local Government Act;[Cap. 281]"court" means a subordinate court;"dangerous animal" means an elephant, a rhinoceros, a hippopotamus, a buffalo, a lion, a leopard or a crocodile;"Deputy Director" means the Deputy Director of National Parks and Wildlife Service designated under section five;"Director" means the Director of National Parks and Wildlife Service designated under section four;"district game licence" means a game licence as specified in section sixty-five and issued under section sixty-six;"domestic animal" means any horse,, donkey, mule, camel, cow, sheep, pig, goat, dog, cat or domestic fowl, or any other animal of whatsoever kind or species, and whether a quadruped or not, which is tame or which has been or is being sufficiently tamed to serve some purpose for the use of man;"elephant licence" means a game licence as specified in section seventy-four and issued under section seventy-five;"game animal" means any wild animal specified in the First Schedule pursuant to section fifty-seven, other than any wild animal specified as a protected animal in any other made under section fifty-eighty;"game licence" means a licence issued under Part VII, other than a professional tour guide's licence;"game management area" means an area of land declared to be a game management area under section fifty-four;"honorary wildlife police officer" means any person appointed as such under section eleven;"hunt" includes to kill, to capture and includes the doing of any act immediately directed at killing or capturing;"ivory" means elephant ivory but does not include any article manufactured from ivory;"meat" includes fat, blood or flesh, whether fresh or dried, pickled or otherwise preserved;"national game licence" means a game licence as specified in section seventy-one and issued under section seventy-two;"National Parks and Wildlife Service" means service in the National Parks and Wildlife Department;"National Park" means an area of land declared to be a National Park under section twenty-seven;"owner" in relation to land, includes the person or persons entitled to the immediate and exclusive possession of land under any right and includes a licensee in lawful occupation of land under a licence and any person authorised by the owner to act on his behalf in respect of land during the owner's absence from Zambia;"photographic or viewing safari" means an organised commercial tour for the purpose of taking photographs of, or viewing of, wild animals or scenery;"prescribed trophy" means any ivory or rhinoceros horn or any other trophy prescribed by regulations made under section one hundred and thirty-one;"professional hunter's licence" means a licence specified in section eighty-five and issued under section eighty-seven;"professional tour guide's licence" means a licence specified in section ninety-one and issued under section ninety-two;"proper officer" means any wildlife police officer or any police officer not below the rank of Assistant Inspector;"protected animal" means any wild animal specified as a protected animal in an order made under section fifty-eight;"public roads" has the meaning assigned to it by section three of the Roads and Road Traffic Act;[Cap. 464]"road" means any public or other way, capable of being used by vehicular traffic and to which the public has access, and includes bridges over which a road passes;"safari licence" means a game licence as specified in section seventy-six and issued under section seventy-seven;"special licence" means a game licence as specified in section eighty-one and issued under section eighty-two;"supplementary safari licence" means a licence specified in section seventy-eight and issued under section seventy-nine;"tribunal" means a Class I or Class II Tribunal constituted under section thirteen;"trophy" means any horn, tooth, tusk, bone, claw, hoof, skin, hair, egg, feather or other durable part of any game animal or protected animal, whether added to or changed by work of man or not, provided that it is in such form as to be recognisable as a durable part of a game animal or protected animal;"trophy dealer" means a person who engages in the buying, selling or processing of trophies, but does not include a person who sells, processes or manufactures any article from any trophy of any game animal or protected animal lawfully hunted by him under a game licence;"trophy dealer's permit" means a permit to engage in the business of a trophy dealer issued under section one hundred and twenty-nine;"unit leader" means any wildlife police officer in charge of any part of a game management area or any part of a game management area where hunting is conducted by a professional game hunter;"vegetation" includes any form of vegetable matter alive or dead;"wild animal" means any animal ferae naturae, and includes any game or protected animal, but does not include any domestic animal;"wildlife" means wild animals or birds of species which are found in Zambia in a wild state and vegetation which is indigenous to Zambia and grows naturally without cultivation;"wildlife police officer" means any officer so designated under section six.3. Ownership of wild animals
Part II – Administration
4. Director of National Parks and Wildlife Service
5. Deputy Director of National Parks and Wildlife Service
There shall be a Deputy Director of National Parks and Wildlife Service who shall be a public officer and who shall exercise such functions and duties as are delegated to him by the Director and who shall be responsible to the Director for the exercise of those functions or duties.6. Wildlife police officers
7. Attestation
A wildlife police officer joining the National Parks and Wildlife Service shall be attested to serve in the National Parks and Wildlife Service for such period and on such conditions as may be prescribed.8. Signing of attestation
9. Release on completion of service
10. Arms, uniforms, etc., to be delivered upon ceasing to belong to the service
11. Honorary wildlife police officer
Part III – Discipline
12. Offences against discipline
13. Tribunal for the trial of disciplinary offence
14. Powers of Tribunals
15. General powers relating to disciplinary offences
16. Disciplinary proceedings to be in writing
All proceedings relating to discipline under this Act shall be recorded in writing.17. Failure to obey summons, etc.
Any person summoned as a witness under this Act who fails to attend at the time and place stated in the summons, or on any adjournment, or refuses to answer any question that is lawfully put to him, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding eighty penalty units or to imprisonment for a period not exceeding one month, or to both.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]18. Fines to be recovered from officer's salary
Any fine imposed on a wildlife police officer in respect of any offence against discipline under this Act shall be recovered from the officer's salary in such instalments as the officer in charge of a wildlife police outpost may determine but such instalments shall not exceed one-half of the monthly pay of that officer.19. Loss or damage to arms to be made good
If any wildlife police officer sells, looses or, by neglect, makes away with, or wilfully damages, any arms, ammunition, uniform or other appointment supplied to him, or any Government property committed to his charge, he may, in addition, to or in lieu of, any punishment, be ordered to make good the amount of such loss or damage and such amount may be recovered by instalment from his salary in accordance with section eighteen.20. Pay not to accrue during absence without leave, imprisonment or detention
Pay shall not accrue to any wildlife police officer in respect of any period during which he is absent from duty without leave or if he is lawfully detained under this Act or is undergoing any sentence of imprisonment:Provided that—21. Interdiction of wildlife police officers
22. Power to arrest and remand for offence against discipline
23. Confinement of wildlife police officer arrested
Any wildlife police officer arrested under this Act may be confined in any wildlife police quarter allocated for guard room purposes or in any quarters set apart for the detention of persons awaiting trial.24. Wildlife Police Appeals Board
There is hereby consituted the Wildlife Police Appeals Board which shall be composed of not less than five members who shall be appointed by the Minister.25. Functions of Appeals Board
The functions of the Appeals Board shall be to—26. Procedure of Appeals Board
Part IV – National Parks
27. Establishment of National Parks
Whenever the President is of the opinion that the conservation or protection of wildlife or of scenic beauty so demands, he may, by statutory order, declare any area of land within the Republic to be a National Park for the purposes of this Act and may, in like manner, define, alter or extend the limits of any National Park.28. Effect of order and acquisition of lands
29. Grant of mining and other rights in National Parks
30. Establishment of National Parks Board
There is hereby established the National Parks Board.31. Composition of Board
32. Secretary to Board
There shall be a secretary to the Board who shall be a public officer and shall be designated as secretary by the Minister.33. Tenure of office and vacancies
34. Meetings of Board
35. Committees of Board
36. Functions of Board
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and in particular to section thirty-seven the functions of the Board shall be to advise the Minister and the Director on matters relating to—37. Integrated resource development committees
38. Function of integrated resource development committee
The function of an integrated resource development committee shall be to promote and develop an integrated approach to the management of human and natural resources in a national park or game management area falling within its responsibility.39. Secretariat of integrated resource development committee
There shall be a secretariat for each integrated resource development committee which shall be manned by such public officers as the Minister may appoint on such terms and conditions as he may determine.40. Revenues
All revenues payable under this Act, in respect of licences issued, services rendered or from the use of wildlife resources, in an area falling under the responsibility of an integrated development committee shall be payable to a fund set up by a committee for its purposes.41. Control and management of National Parks
42. Traffic on public roads in National Parks
43. Restrictions on entry into or residence in National Parks
44. Restrictions on hunting etc., in National Parks
45. Restrictions on weapons, etc., in National Parks
46. Prohibition of introduction of wild animals into National Parks
47. Prohibition of domestic animals in National Parks
48. Prohibition of introduction of vegetation into National Parks
49. Prohibition of removal of wild animals or vegetation from National Parks
Except as is otherwise provided by this Act, any person who, without the consent of the Director, removes any wild animal whether alive or dead or any trophy or any vegetation, from any National Park, causes or permits the same to be so removed, shall be guilty of an offence.50. Prohibition of damage or removal of geological historical, etc., objects from National Parks
Except as is otherwise provided by this Act, any person who, without the consent of the Director, removes from or damages within any National Park any object of geological, prehistoric, archeological, historical or scientific interest or who causes or permits any such object to be so damaged or removed shall be guilty of an offence.51. Prohibition of killing, injuring or capturing of wild animals or birds within National Parks
Except as otherwise provided by this Act, any person who, without just cause or excuse, is in possession of, kills, injures, captures or disturbs any wild animal or removes or destroys any egg or nest of any bird or reptile within the confines of any National Park shall be guilty of an offence.52. Restriction on exercise of mining rights within National Parks
53. Regulations in relation to National Parks
Part V – Game management areas
54. Declaration of game management area
55. Restriction on hunting wild animals in game management area
56. Director may permit hunting in game management area
Part VI – Game animals and protected animals
57. Game animals
For the purposes of this Act, every wild animal specified in the First Schedule shall be a game animal:Provided that if any game animal is, by virtue of any order made under section fifty-eight, specified as a protected animal, such animal shall, for so long as the order remains in force, cease to be a game animal within the area to which the order relates.58. Protected animals
59. Prohibition of hunting protected animals
Except as is otherwise provided by this Act any person who, in contravention of any order made under subsection (1) of section fifty-eight, hunts or is found in circumstances showing that it is his intention to hunt any protected animal shall be guilty of an offence.60. Restriction on hunting game or protected animals
Part VII – Licences
61. Licences
The following classes of licences may be issued under this Part:62. Power of minister to regulate
63. Limitation on licences in national parks and game management areas
A licence issued under this Part shall not entitle the licensee to hunt any game animal or protected animal, or to assist any other person to hunt any game animal or protected animal, within any National Park or game management area, except in accordance with a permit issued to such licensee by the Director under subsection (3), of section forty-four or to subsection (1) of section fifty-six respectively, and except in accordance with any regulations made in that regard.64. Licences not transferable
Except as otherwise provided by this Act, any licence issued under this Part shall be exercised solely by the licensee and shall not be transferable to any other person.65. District game licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed for a district game licence issued under this Part, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to hunt, within the district in which the licensee resides, such game animals as are prescribed in respect of the district game licence and in the numbers prescribed in respect of the licence.66. Issue of district game licence
67. Prohibition of holding more than one district game licence
Any person who applies to the Director for, or who obtains from the Director, a district game licence while he is the licensee under a subsisting valid district game licence, in respect of any area whatsoever, shall be guilty of an offence.68. Bird licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed for a bird licence issued under this Part, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to hunt in such areas or parts of the Republic, as are prescribed in respect of the bird licence, such birds as are prescribed in the licence and in the numbers so prescribed.69. Issue of bird licence
70. Prohibition of holding more than one bird licence
Any person who applies to the Director for, or who obtains from the Director, a bird licence while he is the licensee under a subsisting valid bird licence shall be guilty of an offence.71. National game licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed or a national game licence issued under this Part, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to hunt, in such areas or parts of the Republic, as are prescribed in respect of the national game licence, such, game animal and protected animals as are prescribed in the licence and in the numbers so prescribed.72. Issue of national game licence
73. Prohibition of holding more than one national game licence
Any person who applies to the Director for, or who obtains from the Director, a national game licence while he is the licensee under a subsisting valid national game licence shall be guilty of an offence.74. Elephant licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed for an elephant licence, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to hunt one elephant only within the area endorsed on the licence.75. Issue of elephant licence
76. Safari
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed for a safari licence issued under this Part, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to hunt within such areas or parts of the Republic, as are stated in the licence, game and protected animals specified in the licence and in the numbers stated in the licence, while under the general guidance of the licensed professional hunter of whom he is a bona fide client.77. Issue of safari licence
78. Supplementary safari licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions prescribed for a supplementary safari licence issued under this Part, such a licence shall be issued as a supplementary to a safari licence and shall authorise under it to hunt, in addition to the animals specified in the safari licence, in such areas or parts of the Republic, as are prescribed in respect of the supplementary safari licence, such species of game animal and protected animal as are prescribed in respect of the licence and in the numbers so prescribed.79. Issue of supplementary safari licence
80. Prohibition of holding more than one supplementary safari
Any person who applies to a unit leader for, or who obtains from the unit leader, a supplementary safari licence authorising the hunting of a stated species of game animal or protected animal while he is the licence under a valid and subsisting supplementary safari licensee in respect of that species shall be guilty of an offence.81. Special licence
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and to the terms and conditions stated in a special licence, such a licence shall authorise the licensee to—82. Issue of special licence
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the Minister may, upon such terms and conditions as he may impose issue a special licence to—83. Power of Minister to authorise licensee under special licence to employ others to hunt
84. Special licensee jointly liable for offences of employee
In the event of any person, employed by a licensee under a special licence, as provided by subsection (1) of section eighty-three committing, during and in the course of such employment, any offence under this Act or contravening any of the terms or conditions of the licence, the licensee under the special licence shall be guilty of the same offence as that of which the employed person shall be guilty, and the licensee may be joined as a defendant with the employed person in any prosecution brought against the employed person for that offence.85. Professional hunter's licence
86. Prohibition of carrying on business of professional hunter without licence
Any person, not being the licensee under a valid and subsisting professional hunter's licence issued under this Part, who—87. Issue of professional hunter's licence
88. Apprentice professional hunter's licence
89. Issue of apprentice professional hunter's licence
90. Prohibition of certain acts without apprentice professional hunter's licence
Any person who is not a holder of a valid and subsisting professional hunter's licence or a valid subsisting apprentice professional hunter's licence issued under this Part who—91. Professional tour guide's licence
92. Issue of professional tour guide's licence
93. Prohibition of carrying on business of professional tour guide without a licence
94. Refusal to issue district game licence or bird licence
95. Appeal to Minister against refusal to issue district game licence or bird licence
96. Refusal to issue professional hunter's licence, apprentice professional hunter's licence or professional tour guide's licence
97. Appeal to minister against refusal to issue licence under section 96
98. Revocation of licences
99. Appeal to Minister against revocation
100. Suspension and cancellation of licences
Part VIII – Hunting of wild animals
101. Duties of licensees and permit holder
102. Licensees under safari licence and supplementary safari licence to complete certificate after each hunt
A licensee under a safari licence and supplementary safari licence issued under sections seventy-seven and seventy-nine, respectively, shall, immediately after the completion of a hunt under the safari licence and the supplementary safari licence, if any, complete a certificate in the prescribed form, specifying the game animal and protected animal killed or wounded by him during the hunt and also all foreign currency paid by him in connection with the hunt and to whom it was paid.103. Duties of licensee under professional hunter's licence
104. Duties of licensee under apprentice professional hunter's licences
105. Counting of hunted game animals or protected animals
106. Power of President to authorise hunting without licence or permit
Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the President may, upon such conditions as he may impose, by statutory order, authorise the hunting of game animals or protected animals by any person, not being the holder of a licence issued under Part VII or of a permit under subsection (3) of section forty-four or subsection (1) of section fifty-six in any area of the Republic specified in the order, whether within or outside a National Park or game management area, or otherwise, for the purpose of the supply of food for human consumption in Zambia, in event of no other, or no sufficient food supply being available in the specified area or in any other part of Zambia, as the case may be, at the time of the making of the order, or for any other good and sufficient reason.107. Limitations upon persons assisting in hunting game or protected animals
108. Prohibition of employment of another person to hunt
Any person who employs, causes or induces another person to hunt any game animal or protected animal on his behalf shall be guilty of an offence:Provided that this section shall not apply where the person employed—109. Prohibition of hunting on leasehold land
110. Prohibition of hunting young game animals and females with young
111. Restrictions on use of motor vehicles, aircraft or boats while hunting
112. Restriction on use of dogs while hunting
113. Prohibition of use of fire in hunting
Any person who, for the purpose of hunting or assisting in hunting any game animal or protected animal, causes any fire or drives or surrounds any game animal or protected animal with fire, shall be guilty of an offence.114. Prohibition of use of poison, bird-lime or poisoned weapons in hunting
Except with the written permission of the Director any person who, for the purpose of, or in connection with, hunting or assisting in hunting, any game animal or protected animal, prepares, compounds, sells, buys, uses or has in his possession any poison, bird-lime or like injurious substance or any poisoned weapon shall be guilty of an offence.115. Prohibition of possession, acquisition or use of traps, etc., for hunting
Except with the written permission of the Director, or as authorised under any licence issued under Part VII or under any permit issued under subsection (3) of section fifty-four or subsection (1) of section fifty-six, or as otherwise provided under this Act, any person who, for the purpose of, or in connection with, hunting any game animal or protected animal, possesses, makes, buys, sells or uses any gin or similar trap or any mist net, snare or similar contrivance capable of killing or capturing any game animal or protected animal shall be guilty of an offence.116. Power of Minister to prohibit or control the use of specified weapons or methods of hunting
117. Prohibition of driving certain game animal or protected animal into water
Any person who drives any game animal or protected animal, other than an amphibious animal, into water for the purpose of incapacitating, killing or capturing that game animal or protected animal shall be guilty of an offence:Provided that the Minister may, at any time, by regulation suspend the operation of this section in any area so defined for any period of time so stated or in respect of any game or protected animal so specified.118. Hunting during hours of darkness
119. Game drives
Except with the written permission of the Director, any person who partakes in any game drive, other than a drive of birds, shall be guilty of an offence:Provided that the Minister may, at any time, by regulation, suspend the operation of this section in respect of any area so defined for any period of time so stated.Part IX – Killing, wounding or molesting wild animals
120. Self-defence
121. Defence of property
122. Game or protected animals killed through accident or error
123. Wounding of game animal or protected animal
124. Wounding of dangerous animals
125. Cruelty to wild animals
Any person who, in any circumstances whatsoever, causes unnecessary or undue suffering to any wild animal shall be guilty of an offence.126. Possession of maimed wild animals
127. Molesting or provoking game animal or protected animal
Except as provided by or for the purposes of section one hundred and twenty, one hundred and twenty-one, one hundred and twenty-three or one hundred and twenty-four, any person who wilfully and without just cause or excuse—Part X – Trophies
128. Prohibited dealings in trophies
Any person who, in the course of trade, buys, sells or processes or otherwise deals in any trophy, or manufactures any article from it, except in accordance with a permit so to do, issued under section one hundred and twenty-nine shall be guilty of an offence:Provided that this section shall not apply to any person who, for purposes of gain, sells, processes, or manufactures any article from, any trophy of any game animal or protected animal which was lawfully hunted by him and the ownership of which became vested in him under section three or under any other provision of this Act.129. Trophy dealer's permit
130. Trophy dealers to keep records and make returns
131. Prescribed trophies
132. Certificate or ownership of trophies
133. Possession of prescribed trophies
Any person who has in his possession any prescribed trophy, without a certificate of ownership issued in respect of it under section one hundred and thirty-two, shall be guilty of an offence.134. Transfer of ownership of prescribed trophies
135. Duty to produce ivory or horn of killed elephant or rhinoceros
136. Duty to produce imported ivory or rhinoceros horn
137. Registration of ivory and rhinoceros horn
138. Transfer of ivory or rhinoceros horn before registration prohibited
Any person who, by way of gift, sale, purchase or otherwise, transfers or obtains any ivory or rhinoceros horn before it has been weighed, marked and registered under section one hundred and thirty-seven shall be guilty of an offence.139. Transfer of ownership of ivory and rhinoceros horn
140. Government trophies
Any trophy to which absolute ownership has not passed to any person under section three, or under any other provision of this Act, shall be a Government trophy for the purposes of this Act.141. Possession of Government trophy to be reported
142. Unlawful possession of, or dealing in, Government trophies
Part XI – Sale and transfer of wildlife animals and of meat of wildlife animals
143. Prohibited dealings in live wild animals
Except with the written permission of the Director or as is otherwise provided by this Act, any person who buys or sells, or who is found in circumstances showing that it is his intention to buy or sell, any live wild animal shall be guilty of an offence.144. Certificate of ownership of game animal or protected animal or of the meat thereof
145. Power of Minister to control movement of meat of game or protected animals
146. Authority to sell or hunt any game animal or protected animal or meat thereof
147. Sale of game animal or protected animal or of the meat thereof
Part XII – Import and export of wild animals, meat and trophies
148. Import of wild animals, etc, without permit prohibited
Any person who imports any wild animal or any meat of any wild animal or of any trophy, except in accordance with a valid import permit issued under section one hundred and forty-nine shall be guilty of an offence.149. Permits to import wild animals, meat or trophies
150. Restriction on import of wild animals, meat or trophies
151. Certificates of ownership of imported prescribed trophies
Subject to the provisions of sections one hundred and thirty six and one hundred and thirty-seven in respect of the import and registration, respectively, of ivory and rhinoceros horn, any person who imports any prescribed trophy shall, within one month after the date of the import of the prescribed trophy, apply to the Director for a certificate of ownership in respect of the prescribed trophy pursuant to section one hundred and thirty-two.152. Export of wild animals, etc., without permit prohibited
Any person who exports any wild animal or any meat of such animal or any trophy which is found in Zambia in a wild state except in accordance with a valid export permit issued under section one hundred and fifty-three shall be guilty of an offence.153. Permits to export wild animals, meat or trophies
154. Restriction on export of wild animals, meat or trophy
155. Wild animals, meat and trophies in transit
156. Power of Minister to suspend application of this Part
The Minister may, by statutory order, suspend the operation of this Part or any section of this part, either generally or in respect of any specified wild animal, meat of any wild animal, trophy, ivory or rhinoceros horn, or for any period of time expressed in the order.Part XIII – Miscellaneous
157. Right to enter land
Any proper officer, or any honorary wildlife police officer duly authorised in writing by the Director to act under this section, may with a warrant, enter upon any land, building, tent, vehicle, aircraft or boat for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this Act, or for the purpose of preventing or detecting any offence under this Act:Provided that no private dwelling-house shall be entered pursuant to this section except in the presence of the occupier or of a person over the apparent age of sixteen years who resides therein as a member of the occupier's family.158. Right to search
159. Power of arrest
160. General powers and duties of wildlife police officers
161. Power to take photographs, measurements, finger prints, etc.
162. Traffic barriers and cordons
163. Power to use firearms
164. Documents to be produced on request
165. Compliance with Firearms Act
Nothing in this Act shall exempt any person from compliance with the Firearms Act.[Cap. 110]166. Prosecutions by public officers
Part XIV – Offences, penalties and forfeitures
167. Prohibition of bush or grass fires in National Parks
Any person, other than a person authorised in writing by the Director, who causes any bush or grass fire within the confines of any National Park shall be guilty of an offence:Provided that this section shall not apply to any wildlife police officer while acting under the written direction of the Director.168. Prohibitions
169. Failure to keep registers or to furnish returns, an offence
Any person, being a person required by or under this Act to keep any register or to furnish any return or information to the Minister or the Director, who—170. Prohibition of alteration, defacement or removal of official records
Any person who, without lawful authority, alters, defaces or removes—171. Prohibition of alteration or defacement of prescribed documents or records
Any person who, without lawful authority, alters or defaces any licence, permit, authority, certificate, register, return, record or other document, prescribed, issued, furnished or kept under this Act, shall be guilty of an offence.172. Secrecy
Any person who—173. General penalty
Except where otherwise expressly provided in this Act, any person who is convicted of an offence under this Act shall be liable upon conviction—174. Penalty for offence involving elephant and rhinoceros
175. Penalty for unlawful hunting in National Parks
Except as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, any person who is convicted of an offence involving unlawful hunting within a National Park shall be liable upon conviction:176. Penalty for possessing, buying or selling meat or wild animal or trophy
Except as provided by section one hundred and seventy-seven, any person who is convicted of being in possession of, or of selling, buying, importing or exporting or of attempting to sell, buy, import or export, any meat of a wild animal or any trophy in contravention of this Act shall be liable, upon conviction, to a fine not exceeding five thousand six hundred penalty units or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding seven years, or to both.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]177. Penalty for possessing, buying or selling any protected animal or trophy of protected animal or prescribed trophy
178. Penalty for unlawful hunting or wounding, etc.
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any person who is convicted of an offence under Part VIII or Part IX shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding four hundred penalty units or to a term of imprisonment not exceeding six months, or to both.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]179. Destruction of game-pits, etc., on conviction
Where any person is convicted of an offence under this Act in respect of any game-pit, pitfall, trench or similar excavation, fence or enclosure, or other device fixed to the ground, which such person has made, used, or had in his possession, for the purpose of hunting in contravention of the provisions of this Act, the court shall, in addition to any other punishment, order such game-pit, pitfall, trench, excavation, fence, enclosure or device to be destroyed or obliterated in such manner as the court may specify, and any expenditure incurred on account of such order shall be recoverable from such person as a civil debt to the Government.180. Forfeiture provision on conviction
181. Disposal of animals and goods seized
182. Surrender of licence, permit, or authority to Director on conviction
Where any licensee under any licence, or any holder of any permit or authority, issued under this Act, is convicted of an offence under this Act, the court shall, in addition to any penalty imposed, order the person to surrender forthwith to the Director the licence, permit or authority, as the case may be, to be dealt with by the Director in accordance with the applicable relevant provisions of this Act.183. Portion of fine for offence payable to council
Upon the payment of any fine imposed under this Act for any offence under this Act, there shall be paid into the general fund of the council within whose area the offence was committed such portion of such fine as the Minister may, after consultation with the Minister responsible for finance, by regulation prescribe.Part XV – Forms and regulations
184. Prescribed forms
The Minister may, by regulation, prescribe forms to be used for the purposes of this Act.185. Regulations
History of this document
31 December 1996 this version
06 September 1991
Subsidiary legislation
National Parks and Wildlife (Night Game Drives) Regulations, 1997 | Statutory Instrument 49 of 1997 | 25 April 1997 |
National Parks and Wildlife (Licences and Fees) (Amendment) Regulations, 1994 | Statutory Instrument 43 of 1994 | 4 March 1994 |