The commencement date of the Act which repeals this Act is unknown. We used the repealing Act's publication date as the date on which this Act was repealed.
This Act was repealed on 2006-05-19 by Electoral Act, 2006.
This is the version of this Act as it was when it was repealed.
Electoral Act, 1991
Related documents
- Is amended by Electoral (Amendment) Act, 2001
- Is repealed by Electoral Act, 2006
Electoral Act, 1991
Chapter 13
- Published
- Commenced on 30 August 1991
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 31 December 1996 to 26 January 2001.]
- [The commencement date of the Act which repeals this Act is unknown. We used the repealing Act's publication date as the date on which this Act was repealed.]
- [This legislation has been revised and consolidated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Zambia. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 1996.]
- [Repealed by Electoral Act, 2006 (Act 12 of 2006) on 19 May 2006]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Electoral Act.2. Interpretation
Part II – Registration and voting in direct elections
3. Qualifications for registration of voters
Subject to the provision of section four, every person shall be qualified for registration as a voter in direct elections who—4. Disqualifications from registration of voters
5. Registration in a constituency
A person qualified for registration as a voter shall, on application in accordance with regulations made by the Commission, be registered as a voter in the register of voters for a constituency in which he is ordinarily resident.6. Qualifications for voting
7. Disqualifications from voting
No person shall be entitled to vote at a direct election who—Part III – Presidential elections
8. Election to office of President
The election to the office of President shall be held in every constituency in Zambia.9. Nomination of presidential candidate
Part IV – National Assembly elections
10. Additional disqualifications for election to National Assembly
In addition to the persons disqualified by the Constitution—11. Election fee
The election fee for candidates for election to the National Assembly shall be such fee as may be prescribed under this Act.Part V – Electoral Commission and regulation of elections
12. Electoral Commission
13. Independence of Electoral Commission
In the exercise of its functions under the Constitution, a Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any other person or authority.[Cap. 1]14. Supervision by Commission
The registration of voters and the conduct of every election shall be subject to the direction and supervision of the Commission.15. Appointment, remuneration and functions of election officers
16. Power of Commission to require information and issue instructions
The Commission may—17. Regulatory powers of Commission
Part VI – Election petitions in respect of Parliamentary elections
18. Avoidance of elections
19. Who may present election petitions
An election petition may be presented to the High Court by one or more of the following persons—20. Relief which may be claimed in election petition
21. Form and procedure for presentation of election petitions
22. Duty of Registrar to make out list of election petitions
23. Rules of practice and procedure, security for costs
24. Withdrawal of election petitions
25. Substitution of new petitioners
26. Abatement of election petitions
27. Trial of election petitions
28. Provisions as to witnesses
29. Conclusion of trial election petition
30. Provisions as to costs
Part VII – Other questions relating to Parliament
31. Applications to members and officers of Parliament
32. Effect of determination
Every determination of the High Court under this Part shall have effect, subject to the provisions of Article seventy-one of the Constitution, in accordance with the terms thereof.[Cap. 1]Part VIII – Miscellaneous and repeals and transitional
33. ***
[repealed by Act No. 17 of 1994]34. When incapacity may be removed
Whenever a person has become subject to any incapacity under this Act by reason of a conviction or by reason of any declaration or report of any court, and any witness who gave evidence against such person upon the proceeding for such conviction, declaration or report is convicted of perjury in respect of that evidence, such person may apply to the High Court which, if satisfied that the conviction, declaration or report, so far as it concerns that person, was based upon perjured evidence, may order that his incapacity shall from that time cease, and the same shall cease accordingly.35. No person required to state how he voted
No person who has voted at an election shall in any proceedings, whether brought under this Act or otherwise, be required, to state for whom he has voted.36. Evidence as to holding of election
Upon any charge of a corrupt practice or an illegal practice, or any other offence against this Act, alleged to have been committed at or in connection with an election, the certificate of a returning officer that the election mentioned therein was being or had been held shall be sufficient evidence of the fact that such election was being or had been held.37. Validation of certain documents
No misnomer or any inaccurate description of any person or place in any register, list, nomination paper, notice or other document required for the purposes of this Act shall affect the full operation of the document with respect to that person or place in any case where the description of the person or place is such as to be commonly understood.38. Repeals and saving
The Electoral Act, 1973, is hereby repealed:Provided that, notwithstanding the repeal of the Electoral Act, 1973, any statutory instrument made thereunder by an Electoral Commission established under the Constitution of Zambia 1973, which is in force immediately before the commencement of this Act shall, so far as it is not inconsistent with the Constitution and this Act, continue in force after the commencement of this Act as if it had been made by a Commission under this Act;and any such statutory instrument shall be construed with such modifications, adaptations, qualifications and exceptions as may be necessary to bring them into conformity with the Constitution and this Act, and such statutory instrument or rules of practice may be amended or revoked by the Commission in exercise of powers conferred under this Act.39. ***
[Has had its effect]40. ***
[Has had its effect]History of this document
19 May 2006
Repealed by
Electoral Act, 2006
27 January 2001 amendment not yet applied
Amended by
Electoral (Amendment) Act, 2001
31 December 1996 this version
30 August 1991