Related documents
- Is amended by Services Commissions (Amendment) Act, 2014
- Is commenced by Service Commission Act (Commencement) Order, 1992
Service Commissions Act, 1991
Chapter 259
- Published
- Commenced on 7 February 1992 by Service Commission Act (Commencement) Order, 1992
- [This is the version of this document as it was at 31 December 1996 to 23 March 2014.]
- [This legislation has been revised and consolidated by the Ministry of Legal Affairs of the Government of the Republic of Zambia. This version is up-to-date as at 31st December 1996.]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Service Commissions Act.2. Interpretation
Part II – The Service Commissions
3. Judicial Service Commission
4. ***
[Repealed by Act No. 43 of 1994.]5. President may give directions to Judicial Service Commission
Subject to section fourteen, the President may give to the Judicial Service Commission or to any person to whom the functions or powers of the Commission are delegated in accordance with regulations made under section twenty-one such general directions as the President may consider, necessary, and the Commission or that person shall comply with such direction.[As amended by Act No. 19 of 1994]6. Judicial Service Commission not subject to authority of any persons, etc.
Except as provided in section five, the Judicial Service Commission shall not be subject to the direction or control of any person or authority in the exercise of its functions under the Constitution or under this Act.7. Additional Commissions and their responsibilities
There is hereby established—8. Members of a Commission
9. Appointment of officers
10. Directions by the President
Subject to section thirteen the President may give to a Commission established by section seven or to any public officer to whom the functions or powers of such Commission are delegated in accordance with regulations made under section twenty-two such general directions with respect to the exercise of the functions of the Commission under section seven as the President may consider necessary and the Commission or that public officer shall comply with those directions.[As amended by Act No. 19 of 1994]Part III – Provisions relating to all Commissions
11. Secretary and other staff
There shall be a secretary to a Commission and such other members of staff as a Commission may consider necessary.12. Oath on appointment
13. Procedure
14. Exercise of functions
15. Privileged reports, etc.
Any report, statement or other communication or record of any meeting, inquiry or proceedings of a Commission relating to the exercise of its functions or any report, statement or other communications or record made by a member in the course of his duties, and any application form, report or other communication despatched to the Commission in connection with the exercise of its functions, and in the possession of the Commission, shall be privileged in that its production may not be compelled in any legal proceedings unless the Chairman certifies that such production is not against the public interest.16. Privilege of members
Every member of a Commission shall have such protection and privilege in case of any action or suit brought against him for any act done or attempted to be done in the bona fide execution of his duties, as is by law given to the acts done or words spoken by a judge in the exercise of his judicial office.Part IV – Pensions
17. Functions of a commission in relation to pensions
Part V – Miscellaneous
18. Offence of false information
Any person who, in connection with the exercise of any function of a Commission, wilfully gives to the Commission or any member thereof, any information which he knows to be false or misleading in any material particular shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred penalty units.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]19. Publication and disclosure of information to unauthorised persons prohibited
20. Offence to influence or attempt to influence Commission
Any person who otherwise than in the course of his duties directly or indirectly by himself or by any other person in any manner whatsoever influences or attempts to influence any decision of the Commission shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable upon conviction to a fine not exceeding one hundred penalty units.Provided that nothing in this section shall prohibit any person from giving a certificate or testimonial to any applicant or candidate for any office or prohibit any person from supplying any information or assistance upon formal request made by the Commission.[As amended by Act No. 13 of 1994]21. Regulations
22. ***
[Has had its effect.]History of this document
24 March 2014 amendment not yet applied
Amended by
Services Commissions (Amendment) Act, 2014
31 December 1996 this version
07 February 1992
Commenced by
Service Commission Act (Commencement) Order, 1992
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 1
Judgment 1
1. | Miyanda v Handahu (S.C.Z. Judgment 5 of 1994) [1991] ZMSC 13 (20 June 1991) |
Subsidiary legislation
Teaching Service Commission (Delegation) Directions, 1993 | Statutory Instrument 3 of 1993 | 15 January 1993 |