This Act was repealed on 2015-08-14 by Forests Act, 2015.
Forests Act, 1999
Related documents
- Is commenced by Forests Act (Commencement) Order, 2015
- Is repealed by Forests Act, 2015
- Repeals Forests Act, 1973
Forests Act, 1999
Act 7 of 1999
- Published on 8 October 1999
- Assented to on 4 October 1999
- Commenced on 14 August 2015 by Forests Act (Commencement) Order, 2015
- [This is the version of this document from 8 October 1999.]
- [Repealed by Forests Act, 2015 (Act 4 of 2015) on 14 August 2015]
Part I – Preliminary
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Forests Act, 1999, and shall come into operation on such date as the Minister may, by statutory instrument, appoint.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"appointed date" means the date appointed by the Minister under section one;"biological diversity" means the variability among living organisms from all sources including, inter alia, genetically modified living organisms, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems and the ecological complexes of which they are part;"Commission" means the Zambia Forestry Commission established under section four;"Committee" means the Forest Management Committee constituted under section twenty-six;"concession" means a concession licence issued under section forty-three;"convert" means to carry out the process of converting wood into any kind of product, and "conversion" shall be construed accordingly;"coupe" means any site or area for the cutting, felling or taking of forest produce, whether the boundaries thereof are demarcated on the ground or not;"Court" means a subordinate court or the High Court;"customary areas" has the meaning assigned to it under section two of the Lands Act;[Cap. 184]"demarcated forest" means a National Forest, a Local Forest, a joint management forest area and a forest plantation;"Director-General" means the Director-General of the Commission appointed under section six;"domestic animal" includes a horse, donkey, mule, camel, cow, sheep, pig, goat or domestic fowl;"ecosystem" means a dynamic complex of living organisms and their non-living environment interacting in a functional unit;"firewood" means all woddy parts of a tree which cannot be converted into timber or poles but can be cut into short lengths for use as fuel;"flora" means all plants and parts thereof in a particular area;"Forest Department" means the Forest Department of the Government;"forest development fund" means the fund constituted by the Commission under section five comprising revenue from the forest revenue fund and any other source to support wood processing industries and other programmes in the forest sector;"forest offence" means an offence under this Act;"forest officer" means the Director-General of the Commission or any other officer appointed by the Commission under section eight;"forest produce" includes plant, timber, bamboos, bark, bedding, bees, honey, beeswax, boards, branchwood, canes, charcoal, chips, climbers, cones, coppice, creepers, fibres, flowers, fruits, fuelwood, fungi, algae, gills, grass, gums, hives, lichens, litter, logs, moss, nursery plants, peat, planks, poles, reeds, resin, roots, rubber, rushes, sand, sap, sawdust, scantlings, seed, seedlings, slabs, soils, stumps, thatch, thinnings, trees, vegetable-derived oils, vegetable-derived tar and wood spirits;"Forest Revenue Fund" means the fund established by the Commission under section five for revenue received from forest produce under this Act; Act"Game Management Area" means an area of land declared a Game Management Area under the Zambia Wildlife Act;[No. 12 of 1998]"honorary forest officer" means the person appointed honorary forest officer under section eight;"indigenous forest" means any forest which naturally grows or regenerates in a particular area;"joint forest management" means the participation of stake-holders in the sustainable management of forest resources and the sharing of benefits derived therefrom;"joint forest management area" means an area declared a joint forest management area under section twenty-five;"law enforcement officer" means an officer in the Zambia Police Force, a wildlife police officer, an officer of the Anti-Corruption Commission or an officer of the Drug Enforcement Commission;"licence" means a permit or authorization in writing issued by the Commission under this Act, and "licensee" shall be construed accordingly;"local authority" means a city council, municipal council, township council or district council within the meaning of the Local Government Act;[Cap. 281]"local community" means the residents within or adjacent to a Local Forest, Joint Forest Management Area or open area who by virtue of their rights over land including customary land tenure invest in and derive benefits from the sustainable utilisation of forest resources in their area;"Local Forest" means any area declared to be a Local Forest under section seventeen;"major forest produce" means any tree or part thereof other than leaves, flowers, fruits and seeds;"member" means a member of the Commission appointed under paragraph 1 of the First Schedule;"minor forest produce" means non-wood forest-produce which is part of a tree or found on its own in the forest;"National Forest" means any area declared to be a National Forest under section nine;"national monument" means heritage declared a national monument under the National Heritage and Conservation Commission Act;[Cap. 173]"National Park" means an area declared a National Park under the Zambia Wildfire Act;[Act No. 12 of 1998]"open area" means an area outside Local Forests, National Forests, National Parks, Game Management Areas and National Monuments;"pole" means all sound and reasonably straight parts of a tree which are one point two metres or more long and which are not more than thirty centimetres or less than five centimetres in maximum diameter over bark, unless otherwise specified on any licence;"protected flora" means any kind or category of flora declared to be protected under section thirty-six;"public road" means any road of a class described in section three of the Roads and Road Traffic Act;[Cap. 464]"rail reserve" means the area of land approved for the construction or operation of a railway under the Railway Act;[Cap. 453]"repealed Act" means the Forest Act 1973;[Act No. 39 of 1973]"river" includes lakes, streams, canals and other channels whether natural or artificial;"saw" includes a hand tool having a toothed blade or any power driven device with rotating disk or moving band, used for cutting wood;"sawmill" means a factory where wood is processed mechanically into planks or boards using a saw;"Secretary" means the Secretary of the Commission appointed under section seven;"stakeholder" means a person or group of persons with interest in the utilisation and management of forests;"State Lands" means all lands in Zambia other than customary areas, National Forests and Local Forests and land the freehold or leasehold which is vested in any person;"traditional authority" means a Chief recognised under the Chiefs Act or a traditional institution;[Cap. 287]"traditional institution" means any institution recognised under African Customary law to service the Chief or local community in any area;"timber" unless otherwise defined on any licence, means the part of any felled or fallen tree which has been cut off, or can be cut off, to provide wood whether sawn, split, hewn, sliced, veneered or otherwise fashioned, which is sound and reasonably straight, and which is one point two metres or more long and thirty centimetres or more in minimum diameter under bark; and"trees" includes bushes, climbers, coppice, palms re-shoots, saplings, seedlings and shrubs of all ages and of all kinds and any part thereof.3. Ownership of trees and forest produce
The ownership of all trees standing on, and all forest produce derived from, customary areas, National Forests, Local Forests, State Lands and open areas is vested in the President on behalf of the Republic, until lawfully transferred or assigned under this Act or any other written law.Part II – The Zambia Forestry Commission
4. Establishment of Commission
5. Functions of Commission
6. Director-General
7. Secretary and other staff of Commission
8. Appointment of forest officers and honorary forest officers
Part III – National Forests
9. Establishment of National Forest
10. Continuation of existing National Forest
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, an area declared a National Forest under the repealed Act shall continue to exist as if declared a National Forest under this Act.11. Acquisition of land for National Forest Cap. 189
The President may, on the recommendation of the Commission, by compulsory acquisition under the Lands Acquisition Act, acquire any land for the purposes of a National Forest, as may be necessary or desirable in the public interest so to do.12. Purpose of National Forest
Subject to the other provisions of this Act, all land comprised in a National Forest shall be for—13. Rights in National Forest
14. Control and management of National Forests
Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Commission shall be responsible for the control and management of National Forests.15. Grant of right, title or interest in National Forest
16. Restrictions in National Forest
Part IV – Local Forest
17. Establishment of Local Forest
18. Continuation of existing Local Forest
Notwithstanding the provisions of this Act, an area declared a Local Forest under the repealed Act shall continue to exist as if declared a Local Forest under this Act.19. Acquisition of land for Local Forest Cap. 189
The President may, on the recommendation of the Commission, by compulsory acquisition under the Lands Acquisition Act, acquire any land for the purposes of a Local Forest as may be considered necessary or desirable in the public interest so to do.20. Purpose of Local Forest
Subject to the other provisions of this Act and of any other written law, all land comprised in a Local Forest shall be used for the conservation and development of forests for–21. Rights of Local Forest
Section thirteen shall, with necessary modifications, apply to a Local Forest.22. Control and management of Local Forests
Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the Commission shall be responsible for the control and management of a Local Forest;Provided that the Minister may, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Commission after consultation with a local community in the area, assign the control and management of a Local Forest to a local community, traditional authority or joint Forest Management Committee, subject to such terms and conditions as the Minister may determine.23. Grant of right, title or interest in Local Forest
Section fifteen shall, with necessary modifications, apply to a Local Forest.24. Restrictions in Local Forest
Part V – Joint Forest Management
25. Declaration of Joint Forest Management Area
26. Forest Management Committee
27. Functions of Forest Management Committee
28. Financial provisions
Part VI – Management plans and conservation orders
29. Preparation of management plans
30. National and local inquiries
For the purpose of preparing a management plan under this Part, the Commission shall conduct national and local inquiries on a management plan and its implementation as may be necessary to obtain representation from a local community, Committee, traditional authority and any other stakeholder.31. Consultation with holders of rights, title or interest in Local Forest or Joint Forest Management Area
32. Management plan to be published in Gazette
33. Registration of management plans
34. Management plan binding on registration
The provisions of a management plan shall, from the date of publication of the registration under section thirty-three, apply to the National Forest, Local Forest, Joint Forest Management Area or forest plantation concerned.35. Conservation orders
Part VII – Protected flora
36. Declaration of protected flora
37. Recovery plans for protected flora
Part VIII – Major forest produce in State Lands and Customary areas
38. Purpose of conserving trees on State Lands and Customary areas
39. Restrictions on manufacture of charcoal
Subject to the other provisions of this Act or any other written law, any person who, not being a holder of a licence or permit under this Act, manufactures wood into charcoal or offers for sale, sells or removes charcoal in or from any State land or customary area committs an offence:Provided that this section shall not apply to any person who within the State land, customary area or open area—40. Removal, etc. of major forest produce
41. Control and management in State Lands and Customary areas
Subject to the other provisions of this Act, the control and management of the licensed felling, cutting, taking and removal of major forest produce on State Lands and Customary areas shall vest in the Commission.Part IX – Licences
42. Restriction on cutting etc., forest produce
Except as otherwise provided in this Act, any person who cuts, or takes or otherwise deals with any forest produce or does any other act the doing of which requires a licence, without a licence, commits an offence.43. Licences
44. Fees for licences
The Minister shall on the recommendation of the Commission, prescribe the fees to be paid for the various types of licences issued under this Act.45. Delegation to Director-General
Subject to any regulations made under this Act and to the general or special directions of the Commission, the Director-General may offer forest produce for sale and sell produce by auction, tender or estimate.46. Issue of licences and conditions of licences
47. Damage and waste by licensee
48. Transfer of licence
A licence or any rights conferred under this Part shall not be transferred or assigned by the licensee to any other person without the written consent of the Director-General.49. Suspension of licence
50. Cancellation of licence
51. Appeal against cancellation of licence
A licensee may, within thirty days of being notified of the cancellation of the licence under section fifty, appeal to the Minister.52. Ownership of forest produce on cancellation of licence
On the cancellation of a licence, any forest produce belonging to the licensee and lying within a licence area shall become the property of the Republic.53. Extension of licence
The Commission may, on the expiry of a licence issued under this Act, extend the licence for such period and on such conditions as it may determine.54. No exclusive right unless stated and no right of compensation
55. Limitations of licences
Unless a contrary intention is expressly stated on the licence, rights under a licence shall not extend to—56. Supply of informtion
A licensee shall, when so requested by a forest officer, furnish such information concerning the operations, conversion, processing, transport, sale, manufacture, export or use of the forest produce by the licensee as the forest officer may reasonably require.57. Licensee's record and returns
A licensee shall keep such records and submit such returns to the Commission as may be prescribed by the Minister, on the recommendation of the Commission.Part X – Removal of forest produce
58. Removal of forest produce
No forest produce cut or taken under a licence shall, unless a forest officer by endorsement on the licence or by separate writing otherwise permits, be removed from any coupe until the produce has been measured or checked by the forest officer and has been marked by that forest officer with the imprint of the Commission timber marking hammer or instrument or any other mark of the Commission.59. Mixing of marked forest produce with unmarked an offence
Any person who wilfully mixes forest produce marked by the Commission with that which is unmarked with intent to mislead a forest officer or law enforcement officer commits an offence.60. Offences of forest officer
Any forest officer who wilfully or negligently permits the removal from a coupe of unmarked produce commits an offence.Part XI – Import and export of forest produce
61. Import of forest produce
Any person who imports any forest produce except in accordance with a valid import certificate issued under section section sixty-two commits an offence.62. Certificate to import forest produce
63. Offence of importing forest produce without certificate
64. Export of forest produce
Any person who exports any forest produce except in accordance with a valid export certificate issued under section sixty-five commits an offence.65. Certificate to export forest produce
66. Offence of exporting forest produce without permit
67. Application
This Part shall not apply to any forest produce, plant or timber—68. Regulations on import and export of forest products
Notwithstanding the other provisions of this Act, the Minister may, on the advice of the Commission and in consultation with the Minister responsible for trade and industry, by statutory instrument, regulate the import or export of any forest produce and such regulations may incorporate the requirements of the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Flora and Fauna.Part XII – Making of timber
69. Issue of licence by Commission for manufacture and use of timber marking instruments
70. Use of Commission's or other licensees' timber marking hammer or instrument prohibited
71. Alteration and defacement of marks on timber or tree stumps
No mark made on any timber or tree stump by a timber marking hammer or other instrument shall be altered, defaced, obliterated or removed without the consent of the owner of the tree stump or timber and the consent of a forest officer.72. Timber for export to have marks
All timber being exported shall be hammer marked in such manner as the Commission may determine.Part XIII – Powers of forest officers and law enforcement officers
73. Demanding production of licence
A forest officer or law enforcement officer may demand from any person engaged in doing or causing to be done anything for which a licence is required under this Act to produce the licence, and, if such person fails to produce the licence, restrain such person and the employees and agents of that person from doing such thing until the licence is produced.74. Prevention of offences
75. Search with warrant
76. Power of arrest
77. Prosecution by officers
78. Seizure of property
Where there is reason to believe that a forest offence has been committed, any major forest produce involved in the offence and all tools, instruments, plant, machinery, equipment, vehicles and other property suspected of having been used in the commission of the offence may be seized by any forest officer or law enforcement officer and detained until an order of the Court as to the disposal thereof is made.79. Restoration of property
80. Loss of, or damage to seized property
The Commission shall not be liable for any loss or damage caused to any property in the course of its seizure or during its detention, and no forest officer or law enforcement officer shall be liable for any such loss or damage, unless the law enforcement officer or forest officer caused the same maliciously or fraudulently.81. Calling for assistance in extinguishing fires
Part XIV – Forest offences, penalties and forfeitures
82. Offences and penalties
83. Payment of fine without appering in court
84. Additional powers of Court
85. Civil remedy reserved
Nothing in this Act shall be so construed as to take away or interfere with the right of the Republic or of any person to sue for and recover at common law or otherwise compensation for or in respect of any damage or injury caused by a forest offence:Provided that in assessing such compensation the court shall take into account the amount of any compensation recovered under section eighty-four.86. Evidence
Whenever in any proceedings under this Act the question arises whether any forest produce is the property of the Republic, it shall be presumed to be the property of the Republic unless the contrary is proved.87. Exhibits
Where in any proceedings under this Act it becomes necessary for a forest officer or law enforcement officer to produce in evidence any forest produce and, in the opinion of such officer, production of the whole of such produce would be impracticable or involve unnecessary expense or undue delay, it shall be sufficient for such officer to produce in the court any piece or sample of the forest produce.Part XV – General
88. Power to make regulations
89. Repeal and Savings Act No. 39 of 1973
History of this document
14 August 2015
Commenced by
Forests Act (Commencement) Order, 2015
Repealed by
Forests Act, 2015
08 October 1999 this version
04 October 1999
Assented to