Constitution of Zambia Act, 2016
Act 1 of 2016
- Published on 5 January 2016
- Assented to on 5 January 2016
- Commenced on 5 January 2016
- [This is the version of this document from 5 January 2016.]
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Constitution of Zambia Act, 2016.2. Interpretation
3. Amendment of Constitution of Zambia Act, 1991, and Schedule thereto
Except as provided under this Act, the Constitution of Zambia Act, 1991, and the Constitution in the Schedule to that Act are amended in so far as they form part of the laws of Zambia.[Cap. 1]4. Commencement of Constitution as amended
Subject to this Act, the Constitution as amended in Act No. 2 of 2016 shall come into operation on the commencement of this Act.[Act No. 2 of 2016]5. Printing and publication of Constitution
The Constitution may be printed and published by the Government Printer separately from this Act, and the production of a copy of the Constitution purporting to be so printed shall be prima facie evidence in courts and for all purposes in connection with the Constitution as its provisions.[Cap. 1]6. Existing laws
7. Executive
8. Prerogative of mercy
The prerogative of mercy bestowed on the President under the Constitution as amended may be exercised in respect of any criminal offence committed before the effective date.9. Rights, duties and obligations of Government
Rights, duties and obligations of the Government subsisting immediately before the effective date shall continue as rights, duties and obligations of the Government under the Constitution as amended.10. Succession of institutions, offices, assets and liabilities
11. Existing offices
12. Pensions, gratuities and other benefits
The law applicable to pensions, gratuities or emoluments in respect of public officers shall be the law that was in force at the date on which those benefits were granted or any law in force at a later date that is not less favourable to the public officers.13. Legislature
14. By-elections
A by-election held after the effective date shall be held in accordance with the Constitution as amended.15. Judicature
16. Judicial and tribunal proceedings and pending matters
17. Local government
18. Political parties
19. Commissions
The Commissions existing immediately before the effective date shall continue to exist as if established under the Constitution as amended.20. Currency
Nothing in the Constitution as amended affects the validity of notes and coins issued immediately before the effective date.21. Transitional provisions
Subject to section six, where an Act of Parliament is required to give effect to an Article of the Constitution as amended, that Article shall come into effect upon the publication of the Act of Parliament or such other date as may be prescribed by, or under, the Act of Parliament.History of this document
05 January 2016 this version
Documents citing this one 27
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1. | Zambia Government Gazette dated 2021-09-24 number 7039 |