Constitution of Zambia (Amendment) Act, 2016

Act 2 of 2016

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05 January 2016 this version
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Cited documents 0

Documents citing this one 290

Judgment 285
1. Chilele v Mbao and Anor (Appeal 88 of 2021) [2022] ZMCA 15 (15 March 2022) 1 citation
2. Imbuwa v Mundia (Appeal 11 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 265 (19 March 2018) 1 citation
3. John Menyani Phiri v Daka (HP 2069 of 2017) [2018] ZMHC 439 (23 February 2018) 1 citation
4. Savenda Management Services Limited v Stanbic Bank Zambia Limited & Gregory Chifire (Alleged Contemnor) (Appeal 37 of 2017) [2018] ZMSC 11 (23 November 2018) 1 citation
5. Zambia National Commercial Bank PLC v Musonda and Others (4 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 12 (13 June 2018) 1 citation
6. Abba and Ors v Fanamu Mining Ltd and Anor (SCZ 8 27 of 2021) [2022] ZMSC 6 (23 February 2022)
7. Access Bank Zambia Limited v Attorney-General (9 of 2018) [2019] ZMCC 21 (27 March 2019)
8. Africare v Tundu and Ors (CAZ Appeal 87 of 2021) [2022] ZMCA 3 (2 February 2022)
9. Akatoka Thomson Mulambwa (sued in the capacity as Senior Chief Sikufele) and Senior Chief Sikufele v David Kang'ombe Bulaya (Now Deceased), Chief Kang'ombe and Attorney General (APPEAL No. 230/2023) [2023] ZMCA 300 (9 May 2023)
10. Alios Finance Zambia Ltd v Kibrom (HPC 563 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 306 (22 June 2017)
11. Arnautovic v Standbic Bank Zambia Ltd (Appeal 130 of 2018) [2019] ZMCA 279 (25 April 2019)
12. Attorney General v David Kabila Mwansa (Appeal No. 394/2023) [2024] ZMCA 97 (15 May 2024)
13. Austin C. Milambo v Jamba (Appeal 6 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 264 (13 April 2018)
14. Axiz (Pty) Ltd v CloudTech Zambia Ltd & Anor (Appeal 221 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 150 (3 December 2021)
15. Backloads Zambia Ltd v Freight and Liners Ltd (Appeal 76 of 2017) [2018] ZMCA 386 (26 March 2018)
16. Bampi Aubrey Kapalasa & Another v The Attorney General (CCZ 11 of 2021; CCZ 14 of 2021) [2021] ZMCC 7 (18 May 2021)
17. Banda v Phiri and Anor (HP 28 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 49 (24 November 2021)
18. Banda v Phiri and Anor (HP/C 28 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 39 (24 November 2021)
19. Barclays Bank PLC v Njovu and Ors (SCZ 8 21 of 2019) [2020] ZMSC 147 (23 June 2020)
20. Benjamin Mwelwa V Attorney- General (CCZ 10 of 2017) [2019] ZMCC 23 (14 March 2019)
21. Benjamin Mwelwa v Attorney-General (10 of 2017) [2019] ZMCC 3 (14 March 2019)
22. Bernard Fundi (Suing on his own behalf and on behalf of 59 erstwhile Police Officers seconded to the Bank of Zambia) v Bank of Zambia (2021/HP/0856) [2023] ZMHC 49 (21 February 2023)
23. Bernard Shajilwa & Others v Attorney-General & Others (4 of 2018) [2019] ZMCC 4 (21 May 2019)
24. Bidvest Food Zambia Ltd and Ors V CAA Imports and Exports (Appeal 56 of 2020) [2020] ZMSC 169 (11 June 2020)
25. Bowman Chilosha Lusambo v Bernard Kanengo and Ors (2023/CCZ/A002) [2024] ZMCC 1 (25 January 2024)
26. Bric Back Limited T/A Gamamwe Ranches v Kirkpatrick (CCZ 2 of 2021) [2021] ZMCC 13 (20 July 2021)
27. Bric Back Limited T/A Gamwame Ranches v Kirkpatrick (2 of 2020) [2021] ZMCC 1 (29 January 2021)
28. Catherine Hovstad Van Aardt v Turner Construction Ltd and anor (Appeal No.98/2022; CAZ/08/027/2022) [2023] ZMCA 177 (29 June 2023)
29. Cavmont Bank Limited v John Mwansa Kalinde and Ors (Appeal No. 309/2021) [2023] ZMCA 299 (10 February 2023)
30. Cavmont Bank Ltd v Kalinde and Ors (Appeal 309 of 2021) [2023] ZMCA 7 (10 February 2023)
31. Chakaka Village Country House Ltd and Ors v African Banking Corporation Zambia Ltd (SCZ 8 63 of 2016; SCZ 8 67 of 2016) [2018] ZMSC 402 (31 January 2018)
32. Chama Mutambalilo v Attorney-General (8 of 2019) [2019] ZMCC 20 (9 December 2019)
33. Chansa Simfukwe and Aor v Rev Martin Chama (2020/HP /0200) [2022] ZMHC 101 (1 April 2022)
34. Chapter One Foundation Ltd v Attorney General (CCZ 22 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 1 (2 February 2022)
35. Chapter One Foundation Ltd v Attorney General (CCZ 36 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 4 (25 February 2022)
36. Charles Chahinga v Future Financial Company Limited (HP 1976 of 2019) [2020] ZMHC 296 (5 March 2020)
37. Charles Mathias Zulu v Electoral Commission of Zambia & Attorney-General (15 of 2021) [2021] ZMCC 6 (14 May 2021)
38. Charlotte Scott v Mwanakatwe & 2 Others (HP/EP 39 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 36 (24 November 2016)
39. Chewe v Mucheleka and Anor (CCZ/A 23 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 33 (5 May 2022)
40. Chewe v Munkonge and Others (HP/EP 59 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 187 (14 November 2016)
41. Chibwana v Mushanga and Electoral Commission of Zambia (HP/EP 69 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 167 (14 October 2016)
42. Chilando v Chikwanda and Anor (7 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 34 (20 September 2021)
43. Chipabwamba and Others v Yssel Enterprises Limited and Others (2017/HP/2201) [2020] ZMHC 386 (30 April 2020)
44. Chipota v Katuta and Anor (HP 62 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 31 (22 November 2021)
45. Chisakula v Mabumba and Anor (3 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 53 (19 November 2021)
46. Chisala v Katotobwe and Anor (HP 43 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 62 (22 November 2021)
47. Chisala v Katotobwe and Anor (Petition 43 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 32 (22 November 2021)
48. Chisanga and Anor v Electoral Commission of Zambia (CCZ/A 27 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 11 (16 May 2022)
49. Chisanga v Chisopa and Anor (CCZ/A 27 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 29 (16 May 2022)
50. Chisanga v Chisopa and Anor (HB 1 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 48 (19 November 2021)
51. Chola v Sinkala (15 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 33 (24 September 2021)
52. Christine Phiri and Anor v Melessiana Phiri and Anor (CCZ/A 37 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 41 (31 August 2022)
53. Chungu and Ors v Kasandwe and Anor (HN/EP 4 of 2021; HP 60 of 2021; HR 2 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 63 (24 November 2021)
54. Chungu v Chanda and Ors (SCZ/8/02/2023) [2023] ZMSC 12 (22 June 2023)
55. Clever Kangwa v Mulenga (Petition 14 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 26 (24 September 2021)
56. Conservation Advocates Zambia Limited v The Attorney General (2023/CCZ/0018) [2024] ZMCC 6 (16 April 2024)
57. Dangote Cement Zambia Limited v Micheal Mwaba (Appeal35/2022) [2024] ZMCA 4 (7 February 2024)
58. Daniel Sinjwala Libati v Jenala Chipungu (2022/HPF/A004) [2022] ZMHC 47 (15 September 2022)
59. Dean Masule v Kangombe (None of 2019) [2020] ZMCC 3 (5 February 2020)
60. Dipak Patel v Minister of Finance & Attorney-General (5 of 2020) [2020] ZMCC 6 (16 October 2020)
61. Dipak Patel v Minister of Finance and Attorney General (CCZ 5 of 2020) [2021] ZMCC 12 (30 June 2021)
62. Director of Public Prosecutions v Esther Nyawa Tembo Lungu (2023 /HPEF / 23) [2024] ZMHC 4 (11 March 2024)
63. Dr. Godfrey Hampwaye and Ors v The Council of the University of Zambia (2023/CCZ/0027) [2024] ZMCC 8 (7 June 2024)
64. Ecobank Malawi Ltd v Nyiombo Investments Ltd (HPC 556 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 304 (12 June 2017)
65. Ets Rwasa Salvator v Kaoma & 3 Others (Appeal 247 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 72 (31 May 2021)
66. Evans Chilukusha & 4 Others v Engen Petroleum Zambia Limited (HP 1402 of 2019) [2020] ZMHC 287 (30 January 2020)
67. Father Banda (Sued in his capacity as General Secretary of Zambia Anglican Council) v Dr Chisi (Appeal 140 of 2021) [2022] ZMCA 44 (19 July 2022)
68. Finance Bank Zambia Ltd v Official Receiver (As Interim Receiver of the Estate of Dimitrios Mono-Kandilos (in Bankruptcy) and Anor (SCZ 8 37 of 2019) [2022] ZMSC 12 (29 March 2022)
69. First Quantum Mining v Mwape (APP NO. 284/2021) [2023] ZMCA 148 (24 April 2023)
70. Food Reserve Agency v Pasi (Appeal 94 of 2018) [2019] ZMCA 17 (21 February 2019)
71. Francis Mwamba Nkole v Chewe (Petition 13 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 27 (24 September 2021)
72. Fred Hamaamba v The Attorney General (2017 /HP/ 1778) [2017] ZMHC 522 (29 November 2017)
73. Fredson Kango Yamba v The Principal Resident Magistrate and Ors (2023/CCZ/ 003) [2023] ZMCC 24 (1 December 2023)
74. GDC Logistics Zambia Ltd and Kanyata and Ors (Appeal 144 of 2014) [2017] ZMSC 225 (26 April 2017)
75. Gabriel Muyinda v Menox Property Merchants Limited (2020/HPC/0551) [2020] ZMHC 449 (28 December 2020)
76. Godfrey Mukwato and Ors v Kagem Mining (IRD/ND/31/2009) [2017] ZMIC 10 (14 July 2017)
77. Gordon Maddox Mwewa and Ors v The Attorney General and Ors (2017/HP/204) [2017] ZMHC 515 (9 October 2017)
78. Governance Elections Advocacy Research Services Initiative Zambia Limited v The Attorney General and Anor (2022/CCZ/0020) [2023] ZMCC 5 (15 June 2023)
79. Griver Chola Sikasote v Tafuna (HP 2083 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 331 (9 February 2017)
80. Hakainde Hichilema v The Attorney General (Appeal 4 of 2019) [2021] ZMSC 35 (18 June 2021)
81. Harold S. Ndulwa and Ors v Zambia Sugar Plc (Appeal No. 300/2023) [2024] ZMCA 43 (2 May 2024)
82. Hastie Sibanda v Attorney General (2023/CCZ/002) [2024] ZMCC 9 (30 April 2024)
83. Hastings Mwila v Local Authorities Superannuation Fund (2023/CCZ/0013) [2024] ZMCC 3 (9 February 2024)
84. Herbert Shabula v Monde (CC/A 32 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 261 (20 June 2018)
85. Hichelema and Another v Lungu and Others (HP 1738 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 216 (27 December 2016)
86. Hichilema & Another v Attorney-General (33 of 2016) [2020] ZMCC 1 (30 January 2020)
87. Horizon properties Zambia Ltd and Anor v Jaguar Overseas Ltd (HP/ARB 13 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 339 (28 February 2017)
88. Ikelenge Town Council v National Pension Scheme Authority and anor (2022/CCZ/0022) [2023] ZMCC 4 (30 March 2023)
89. Institute of Law, Policy Research and Human Rights Limited v Attorney General and Anor (2023/CCZ/0024) [2024] ZMCC 2 (17 January 2024)
90. Institute of Law, Policy Research and Human Rights Ltd v Attorney General (CCZ 1 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 25 (21 October 2022)
91. Institute of Law, Policy Research and Human Rights and Ors v Electoral Commission of Zambia and Ors (2022/CCZ/0029) [2023] ZMCC 16 (11 July 2023)
92. Isaac Banda v ZCCM Investments Holdings PLC and Ors (Appeal 156 of 2016) [2019] ZMSC 335 (11 June 2019)
93. Isaac Mwanza v The Electoral Commission of Zambia & Attorney-General (8 of 2020) [2021] ZMCC 2 (4 February 2021)
94. James Chansa v Stephen Mukupa (sued in his capacity as National Secretary of the National Union of Miners and Allied Workers) (2021/HN/284) [2022] ZMHC 76 (7 July 2022)
95. Jere & Others v Zambia Railways Limited (Appeal 125 of 2015) [2018] ZMSC 49 (22 June 2018)
96. Jere and Ors v Zulu (CCZ/A 28 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 36 (27 October 2022)
97. Jere and Ors v Zulu and Anor (HP 25 of 2021; HP 47 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 57 (22 November 2021)
98. Jeremiah Mulinganiza v Katiyo and Anor (Petition 1 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 20 (17 September 2021)
99. John Sangwa v The Attorney General (2021/CCZ/0035) [2023] ZMCC 21 (27 October 2023)
100. Joshua Ndipyola Banda v Attorney General (2022/CCZ/0010) [2023] ZMCC 15 (26 October 2023)
101. Josiah Mubukwane Litia Nyumbu v Akapelwa and Others (HP 1748 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 154 (28 June 2017)
102. Josiah Mubukwanu Litia Nyumbu (Suing as Chief Chiyengele) v Tawila Akapelwa (Induna Inete) and Ors (2014/HP/1748) [2017] ZMHC 557 (27 June 2017)
103. Josiah Mubukwanu Litia Nyumbu v Akapelwa and Others (HP 1748 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 147 (27 June 2017)
104. Julius Muyinda v Sweta & Others (HP 463 of 2016) [2020] ZMHC 149 (17 July 2020)
105. Julius Sibanda v Flat Mooyo (2019/HP/A026) [2024] ZMHC 77 (30 April 2024)
106. Kabamba v Musonda and Anor (HP 1 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 41 (17 November 2021)
107. Kabwe and Anor v Ndola Trust School Ltd and Anor (Appeal 172 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 153 (28 October 2021)
108. Kachize Phiri and Anor v Electoral Commission of Zambia (CCZ/A 4 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 22 (23 September 2022)
109. Kafula v Lee kay and Anor (Petition 4 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 17 (22 September 2021)
110. Kafwaya v Katonga and Ors (CCZ/A 20 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 8 (13 April 2022)
111. Kahyata and Ors v Livingstone City Council (Appeal 17 of 2021) [2022] ZMCA 113 (29 December 2022)
112. Kanengo v Attorney General and Anor (CCZ 24 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 24 (20 October 2022)
113. Kansembe v Munkonge and ECZ (HP/EP 1 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 188 (14 November 2016)
114. Kapembwa v Kachisha (10 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 40 (22 September 2021)
115. Kapesh & Another v People (Appeal 99 of 2015) [2017] ZMSC 94 (6 September 2017)
116. Kapoko v People (23 of 2016) [2016] ZMCC 6 (7 November 2016)
117. Katongo and Company (suing as a Firm) v Sungani Mwale and ors (2018/HKC/061) [2021] ZMHC 92 (19 April 2021)
118. Katuka and Law Association of Zambia v Attorney-General and 64 Others (10 of 2016; 11 of 2016) [2016] ZMCC 1 (15 August 2016)
119. Katuka v Electoral Commission of Zambia (25 of 2016) [2016] ZMCC 2 (9 August 2016)
120. Kausa Mwachindalo and Anor v Mathews Musona and Ors (APPEAL NO. 1/2021) [2024] ZMSC 1 (20 March 2024)
121. Keren Motors Ltd v Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc (HPC 231 of 2017) [2018] ZMHC 558 (17 January 2018)
122. Kolala v Zambia Postal Services Corporation (CCZ 16 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 28 (26 January 2022)
123. Kuntawala (Suing as Secretary of Trackers Association of Zambia) v Chirundu District Council (Appeal 57 of 2020) [2022] ZMCA 34 (29 April 2022)
124. Law Association of Zambia & Another v Attorney-General (13 of 2019; 14 of 2019) [2019] ZMCC 18 (29 November 2019)
125. Law Association of Zambia & Chapter One Foundation Limited v The Attorney (13 of 2019; 14 of 2019) [2020] ZMCC 4 (3 July 2020)
126. Law Association of Zambia v Attorney General (CCZ 51 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 7 (22 March 2022)
127. Leslie Mbula v Attorney General and Anor (2023/CCZ/008) [2023] ZMCC 20 (26 October 2023)
128. Levy Mwale v Zambia National Broadcasting Corporation (12 of 2020) [2020] ZMCC 12 (10 December 2020)
129. Lieutenant Muchindu v Attorney General (CCZ 34 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 2 (27 January 2022)
130. Lubunda Ngala and Anor v Anti-Corruption Commission (CC/R 2 of 2017) [2018] ZMSC 416 (26 January 2018)
131. Lubungu v Kapango and Ors (Appeal 216 of 2016) [2020] ZMSC 141 (21 February 2020)
132. Lungu v Attorney General and Ors (CCZ 6 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 10 (19 May 2022)
133. Lungu v The People (Appeal No 51/2023) [2023] ZMCA 224 (31 August 2023)
134. Lusambo v Kanengo and Anor (CCZ/A 19 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 13 (28 July 2022)
135. Lusambo v Kanengo and Ors (HP/EP 3 of 2022) [2023] ZMHC 2 (24 January 2023)
136. Malanji and Anor v Attorney General and Anor (CCZ 18 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 18 (7 September 2022)
137. Malanji and Anor v Attorney General and Anor (CCZ 18 of 2022) [2023] ZMCC 3 (10 March 2023)
138. Malanji and Anor v Electoral Commission of Zambia (HP 1327 of 2022) [2022] ZMHC 13 (13 September 2022)
139. Malanji v Mulenga and Anor (CCZ/A 21 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 14 (3 August 2022)
140. Malanji v Mulenga and Anor (CCZ/A 21 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 6 (24 February 2022)
141. Malanji v Mulenga and Ors (2022/HP /EP /0002) [2023] ZMHC 10 (24 January 2023)
142. Mandona Freeboy v Nkandu (Appeal 6 of 2017) [2019] ZMSC 353 (9 December 2019)
143. Mandona v Total Aviation and Export Ltd and Ors (SCZ 8 199 of 2008) [2017] ZMSC 229 (16 February 2017)
144. Margaret Mwanakatwe v Scott & Another (Appeal 14 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 257 (31 October 2018)
145. Martin Chilukwa v The Attorney General (2022/CCZ/0030) [2023] ZMCC 14 (10 March 2023)
146. Martin Chitondo & Others v The Attorney General (2 of 2019) [2019] ZMCC 5 (17 May 2019)
147. Mcqueen Zenzo Zaza v Zesco Limited (6 of 2018) [2018] ZMCC 255 (25 October 2018)
148. Michelo v Sampa and Anor (CCZ/A 35 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 26 (21 October 2022)
149. Michelo v Sampa and Anor (Petition 11 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 33 (19 November 2021)
150. Milambo v Jamba (HP/EP 3 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 189 (23 November 2016)
151. Milimo Chooka & Associates (Suing as a Law Firm) and Anor v Law Association of Zambia and Ors (CCZ 13 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 47 (23 November 2022)
152. Milingo Lungu v The Attorney General and Anor (2022/CCZ/006) [2023] ZMCC 23 (7 November 2023)
153. Milingo Lungu v The Attorney General and Anor (2022/CCZ/006) [2023] ZMCC 26 (16 December 2023)
154. Milingo Lungu v The Attorney General and Anor (2022/CCZ/006) [2024] ZMCC 5 (15 March 2024)
155. Monde v Shabula (HP/EP 27 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 201 (24 November 2016)
156. Moses Mulenga v Mumba (Petition 15 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 25 (24 September 2021)
157. Moses Sakala v Attorney General and Ors (2023/CCZ/0025) [2024] ZMCC 10 (25 June 2024)
158. Moses Sakala v The Attorney General and Anor (2023/CCZ/0025) [2024] ZMCC 4 (23 February 2024)
159. Moyo v Attorney General (CCZ 6 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 5 (28 February 2022)
160. Moyo(suing as Chief Mutondo) v Attorney General & Another (Appeal 168 of 2017) [2020] ZMCA 6 (30 January 2020)
161. Mphande v Jawara and Anor (12 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 43 (23 November 2021)
162. Mphande v Jawara and Anor (Petition 12 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 16 (27 August 2021)
163. Mphande v Mumba and Anor (Petition 13 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 5 (22 September 2021)
164. Mpokota v Mukutu (SCZ 8 103 of 2014) [2017] ZMSC 254 (14 February 2017)
165. Mubika v Pelekelo (Appeal 18 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 266 (28 March 2018)
166. Mubita and Ors v People (Appeal 140 of 2021) [2022] ZMSC 38 (7 June 2022)
167. Mukosa v Mulenga and Ors (CCZ/A 26 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 48 (8 December 2022)
168. Mulenga v Chewe (11 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 31 (22 September 2021)
169. Mulenga v Chisanga and Anor (HP 52 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 65 (23 November 2021)
170. Mulenga v Mulenga and Anor (HK/EP 2 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 66 (23 November 2021)
171. Mulope v Shakafuswa (CCZ/A 34 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 38 (29 July 2022)
172. Mulope v Shakafuswa and Anor (HP 10 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 60 (19 November 2021)
173. Mulubisha v Attorney-General (13 of 2018) [2019] ZMCC 17 (27 November 2019)
174. Mumba and Ors v Council of University of Zambia (Appeal 194 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 126 (8 November 2021)
175. Munaile and Other v Yaluma and ECZ (HP/EP 49 of 2016; HP/EP 62 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 190 (22 November 2016)
176. Mundia v Imanga and Anor (HP 32 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 58 (24 November 2021)
177. Mutale v African Banking Corporation Ltd (SCZ 8 5 of 2020) [2022] ZMSC 29 (1 April 2022)
178. Mutambo v The Attorney General (2023/CCZ/007) [2023] ZMCC 12 (26 September 2023)
179. Mutelo K v Kang'ombe and Anor (CCZ/A 33 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 15 (29 July 2022)
180. Mutwena v Attorney (CCZ 38 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 31 (19 January 2022)
181. Mwale v Phiri and Anor (Petition 13 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 11 (27 August 2021)
182. Mwamba v Chewe and Anor (CCZ/A 30 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 32 (15 July 2022)
183. Mwamba v Nkandu Luo (HP/EP 21 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 186 (22 November 2016)
184. Mwananuka v Armaguard Security Ltd (CAZ Appeal 201 of 2021) [2022] ZMCA 49 (3 August 2022)
185. Mwanza and Anor v The Attorney General (2023/CCZ/005) [2023] ZMCC 10 (19 September 2023)
186. Mwanza v Attorney General (CCZ 11 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 42 (10 November 2022)
187. Mwanza v Attorney General (CCZ 9 of 2022) [2023] ZMCC 2 (2 March 2023)
188. Mwelwa v The Attorney General & Anor (CCZ 7 of 2020) [2020] ZMCC 14 (17 July 2020)
189. Mwenya v Bemba and Anor (CCZ/A 6 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 39 (25 March 2022)
190. Mwiinde v Attorney General and National Pensions Scheme Authority (2021/CCZ/0048) [2023] ZMCC 8 (31 January 2023)
191. Naik v Burgess and Ors (Appeal 45 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 177 (20 October 2021)
192. Nakasamu v Kokoma and Anor (CCZ/A 12 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 43 (2 February 2022)
193. Natasha Nawa v The People (SCZ 9 2 of 2019) [2020] ZMSC 121 (8 December 2020)
194. National Milling Corporation Limited v Nkaka (Appeal 55 of 2016) [2018] ZMSC 368 (10 December 2018)
195. National Milling Corporation Ltd v Nkaka (Appeal 55 of 2016) [2018] ZMSC 392 (10 December 2018)
196. Ndhlovu and Ors v Road Development Agency (CCZ 5 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 20 (21 September 2022)
197. Ng'onga v Alfred H. Knight Zambia Ltd (Appeal 203 of 2016) [2019] ZMSC 359 (26 September 2019)
198. Ng'uni v Mabonga (CCZ/A 29 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 40 (16 June 2022)
199. Ngúni v Mabonga and Anor (HP 42 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 38 (25 November 2021)
200. Nickson Chilangwa (Suing as Secretary General of the Patriotic Front Party) v The Attorney General (APPEAL NO. 216/2022) [2024] ZMCA 98 (3 May 2024)
201. Njeulu v Mubika (Appeal 9 of 2017) [2019] ZMCC 16 (7 March 2019)
202. Njobvu v Chuzu and Anor (Petition 1 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 3 (22 September 2021)
203. Nkandu Green and Others v The Attorney General and Another (HP 640 of 2012) [2017] ZMHC 183 (20 September 2017)
204. Nkandu Luo & Another v Mwamba & Another (Appeal 10 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 254 (16 November 2018)
205. Nkonge v Nyemba (HP 50 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 61 (19 November 2021)
206. Noel Siamoondo and Ors v The Electoral Commission of Zambia and Anor (2016/CC/0009) [2016] ZMCC 8 (16 July 2016)
207. Nsama v Chipili (15 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 42 (21 September 2021)
208. Nyambe Martin Nyambe and Ors v Konkola Copper Mines Plc (COMP NO. IRC/ND/65/2016) [2017] ZMIC 2 (13 October 2017)
209. Nyambe and Ors v Konkola Copper Mines Plc (In Liquidation) (Appeal No. 2 of 2022) [2023] ZMSC 17 (19 October 2023)
210. Nyirenda v Banda (HP 1393 of 2015) [2017] ZMHC 19 (17 March 2017)
211. Owen Mayapi & Others v Attorney-General (3 of 2019) [2020] ZMCC 5 (20 May 2020)
212. Pande v Mtine (Appeal 31 of 2014) [2017] ZMSC 161 (23 June 2017)
213. Patrick Banda v The Electoral Commission and Ors (2022/CCZ/ A005) [2023] ZMCC 18 (2 October 2023)
214. Patrick v Annie B & Anor (Petition 11 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 10 (27 August 2021)
215. Patson Mbao v Maila Rodger Chilele and Anor (2020 I HP/ 0694) [2021] ZMHC 109 (3 February 2021)
216. People v Chitotela (HP 1 of 2022) [2022] ZMHC 16 (10 November 2022)
217. People v Lungu and Ors (3 of 2022) [2022] ZMHC 15 (31 October 2022)
218. People v Patents and Companies Registration Agency and Another (3 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 250 (28 June 2018)
219. People v The Director of Public Prosecutions (SCZ 8 24 of 2016) [2019] ZMSC 21 (16 July 2019)
220. Phillip Chitambo Nyirenda v Vincent Banda (2015/HP/1393) [2017] ZMHC 510 (17 March 2017)
221. Phiri and Anor v Phiri and Anor (HP 19 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 64 (24 November 2021)
222. Phiri v Ackleo IA and Anor (HP 37 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 40 (23 November 2021)
223. Phiri v Celebrate Jesus Bible Church International (Appeal 74 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 180 (3 June 2021)
224. Phiri v Chinkuli and Anor (HP 57 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 55 (26 November 2021)
225. Phiri v Chinkuli and Anor (High Court Civil Cause 57 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 54 (26 November 2021)
226. Phiri v Daka and Anor (HP 34 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 56 (17 November 2021)
227. Phiri v Katongo and Anor (Petition 5 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 8 (23 September 2021)
228. Phiri v Mwenya (Petition 6 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 6 (24 September 2021)
229. Phiri v Toyota Zambia Ltd (Appeal 31 of 2022) [2022] ZMCA 100 (12 December 2022)
230. Phiri v Twasa and Anor (HP 44 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 59 (18 November 2021)
231. Professor Mumba and Anor v Council of the University of Zambia (CCZ 12 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 46 (12 December 2022)
232. Proximity Engineering and Mining Limited Paulgil Cheick Enterprises Limited (Appeal No. 170 of 2022) [2024] ZMCA 134 (13 June 2024)
233. Public Protector for the Republic of Zambia v Indeni Petroleum Refinery Company Limited (1 of 2018) [2019] ZMCC 6 (28 May 2019)
234. Pule & Others v Attorney General & Others (4 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 60 (7 December 2018)
235. Pule and Others v Attorney General and Others (4 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 10 (6 April 2018)
236. Rajagopalan Kothanda Raman v Ngwira (Appeal 163 of 2015) [2018] ZMSC 550 (11 June 2018)
237. Reuben Malindi and Anor v Attorney General (2018(HP/1319) [2020] ZMHC 402 (30 April 2020)
238. Robert Chiseke Taundi v Naluwa (Appeal 12 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 253 (24 September 2018)
239. Ronald Kaoma Chitotela and Ors v Miles Bwalya Sampa and Ors (2023/CCZ/0028) [2024] ZMCC 12 (27 June 2024)
240. SAFRICAS Zambia Ltd v Road Development Agency (Appeal No.17/2023) [2023] ZMCA 197 (18 August 2023)
241. Sakala v Bwalya S (Petition 7 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 12 (24 September 2021)
242. Sandras Samakayi v Attorney General (2023/CCZ/0015) [2024] ZMCC 7 (6 June 2024)
243. Sangwa v Attorney General (CCZ 35 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 27 (10 November 2022)
244. Sangwa v Attorney General and Law Association of Zambia (2021 /CCZ/0012) [2023] ZMCC 6 (31 July 2023)
245. Savenda Management Services v Stanbic Bank Zambia Ltd (Appeal 37 of 2017) [2018] ZMSC 413 (13 March 2018)
246. Scott v Mwanakatwe (HP/EP 39 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 191 (24 November 2016)
247. Sean Tembo (Suing in his capacity as the President of the Patriots for Economic Progress) v The Attorney General (2023/CCZ/0016) [2024] ZMCC 11 (17 June 2024)
248. Sean Tembo v The Attorney General (2023/CCZ/00 14) [2023] ZMCC 25 (8 December 2023)
249. Secretary General and The Acting Secretary General of the Zambia Red Cross Society v Mushitu (Appeal 29 of 2016) [2019] ZMSC 328 (28 May 2019)
250. Shabula v Monde (Appeal 13 of 2016) [2018] ZMCC 16 (20 June 2018)
251. Shah and Anor v The Attorney General (CCZ 17 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 3 (25 January 2022)
252. Shakafuswa and Another v Attorney General and Another (5 of 2018) [2018] ZMCC 17 (22 June 2018)
253. Siamunene v Sialubalo (HP/EP 4 of 2016) [2016] ZMHC 208 (11 November 2016)
254. Sikazwe v Attorney General and Anor (CCZ 19 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 30 (11 November 2022)
255. Simbeye v Nakaponda and Anor (Petition 4 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 36 (22 November 2021)
256. Simunchembu v Patricks and Anor (Petition 20 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 7 (20 September 2021)
257. Simutanda v Siame & Another (1 of 2019) [2019] ZMCC 19 (4 December 2019)
258. Simwanza v Simumba (HP 8 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 42 (22 November 2021)
259. Sinkala v Phiri (Suing as an Administrator of the Estate of the late Daniel Phiri Jr.) (Appeal 9 of 2017) [2020] ZMSC 131 (24 September 2020)
260. Sinkamba and Anor v Electoral Commission of Zambia (CCZ 23 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 23 (17 October 2022)
261. Sitali Sitali v Sepiso (HP 6 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 499 (22 September 2017)
262. Siyunyi v The Attorney General (2022/CCZ/0028) [2023] ZMCC 13 (28 September 2023)
263. Standard Chartered Bank (Z) PLC v Nthanga & Others (Appeal 51 of 2016) [2019] ZMSC 1 (15 January 2019)
264. Sun Country Ltd v Kearney and Anor (SCZ 8 265 of 2016) [2017] ZMSC 230 (19 May 2017)
265. Sydney Sampa v Mukaseka (Petition 12 of 2021) [2021] ZMLGEL 24 (23 September 2021)
266. Tanzania Zambia Railway Authority v Mwanza and Ors (Appeal 35 of 2014) [2016] ZMSC 261 (11 November 2016)
267. Taundi v Naluwa (Appeal 12 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 251 (24 September 2018)
268. Tembo (Suing in his capacity as party President of the Patriots for Economic Progress) v Electoral Commission of Zambia (CCZ 2 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 19 (20 September 2022)
269. Tembo (Suing in his capacity as party President of the Patriots for Economic Progress) v Electoral Commission of Zambia and Anor (CCZ 47 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 9 (14 March 2022)
270. Tembo v Phiri and Anor (CCZ/A 9 of 2021) [2022] ZMCC 44 (10 February 2022)
271. The People v The Director of Public Prosecutions (CAZ 8 238 of 2020) [2021] ZMCA 112 (22 September 2021)
272. Tinashe Timothy Gandize v Newrest Zambia Limited (COMP / IRCLK/245 / 2021) [2023] ZMHC 53 (6 September 2023)
273. Tresford Mubanga v Zesco Limited (2023/CCZ/0012) [2023] ZMCC 19 (26 October 2023)
274. Vincent Lilanda & 2 Others v Attorney-General (4 of 2020) [2020] ZMCC 11 (24 November 2020)
275. Wang Ying v Youjun Zhuang & 4 Others [2021] ZMCC 3 (10 February 2021)
276. Yamba v Principal Resident Magistrate (CCZ 3 of 2023) [2023] ZMCC 1 (2 March 2023)
277. Zambezi District Council v Chanyika III (Suing in his capacity as Senior Chief Ishindi of the Lunda Chiefdom) (Appeal 149 of 2018) [2019] ZMCA 275 (28 February 2019)
278. Zambia Community Development Initiative Programme v Attorney General (2022/CCZ/0025) [2023] ZMCC 27 (3 August 2023)
279. Zambia National Commercial Bank PLC v Musonda and Others (4 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 13 (13 June 2018)
280. Zambia National Commercial Bank PLC v Musonda and Others (4 of 2017) [2018] ZMCC 14 (13 June 2018)
281. Zambia Telecommunications Company Ltd v Simate and Ors (SCZ 8 5 of 2018) [2019] ZMSC 326 (19 February 2019)
282. Zimba and Anor v Phiri and Anor (Appeal 198 of 2020) [2022] ZMCA 64 (8 September 2022)
283. Zimba v Attorney General (CCZ 7 of 2022) [2022] ZMCC 17 (31 August 2022)
284. Zulu v Chilufya and Ors (2022/CCZ/0027) [2023] ZMCC 7 (3 August 2023)
285. Zulu v Daka and Anor (HP/EP 9 of 2021) [2021] ZMHC 67 (22 November 2021)
Gazette 4
1. Zambia Government Gazette dated 2016-01-05 number 6451
2. Zambia Government Gazette dated 2016-05-27 number 6487
3. Zambia Government Gazette dated 2016-07-29 number 6503
4. Zambia Government Gazette dated 2023-10-06 number 7503
Speech 1
1. Inaugural address by His Lordship Hon. Justice Dr. Mumba Malila SC, Chief Justice of the Republic of Zambia