Related documents
- Repeals Citizenship of Zambia Act, 1975
Citizenship of Zambia Act, 2016
Act 33 of 2016
- Published in Government Gazette on 7 June 2016
- Assented to on 6 June 2016
- Commenced on 7 June 2016
- [This is the version of this document from 7 June 2016.]
Part I – Preliminary provisions
1. Short title
This Act may be cited as the Citizenship of Zambia Act, 2016.2. Interpretation
Part II – The Citizenship Board of Zambia
3. Composition of Board
4. Functions of Board
5. Tenure of office and vacancy
6. Proceedings of Board
7. Delegation of functions of Board
The Board may, subject to any conditions imposed and guidelines issued by it, delegate any of the Board’s functions to the Chief Passports and Citizenship Officer.8. Seal of Board
9. Emoluments
A member of the Board shall be paid such emoluments as the Emoluments Commission may determine.10. Chief Passports and Citizenship Officer, Deputy Chief Passports and Citizenship Officer and other staff
11. Disclosure of interest
12. Prohibition of publication or disclosure of information to unauthorized persons
13. Oath on appointment
A member of the Board shall, on appointment, take an oath in accordance with the Official Oaths Act.[Cap. 5]14. Immunity
An action or other proceeding shall not lie or be instituted against a member of the Board or a member of staff for or in respect of an act or thing done or omitted to be done in good faith in the exercise or performance of any of the functions conferred under this Act.Part III – Citizenship by birth
15. Registration of births and national registration
16 Citizenship by presumption for foundlings
Part IV – Citizenship by registration
17. Citizenship by registration
A person who qualifies to be registered as a citizen by registration in accordance with Article 37 of the Constitution may apply to the Board under this Part.[Cap. 1]18 Citizenship by marriage
A person who has been married to a citizen of Zambia for a period of at least five years may apply, in the prescribed manner, to be registered as a citizen if—19. Citizenship of adopted child
A child who is not a citizen, but is adopted by a citizen, is entitled, on application in the prescribed manner by the adoptive parent or legal guardian, to be registered as a citizen upon—Part V – Application for citizenship
20. Application for registration as citizen
21. Rejection of application
22. Computation of period of residence for purposes of registration
The period to be taken into account in computing a period for a person who qualifies for citizenship by registration in accordance with the Constitution and this Act is the period during which a person is ordinarily resident in Zambia.[Cap. 1]23. Registration as citizen
The Board shall, within twenty-one days of the approval of an application for registration as a citizen, made under section twenty, register the applicant as a citizen if the applicant meets the requirements of the Constitution and this Act.[Cap. 1]24. Oath of allegiance
The Board shall cause a person who is registered as a citizen to take an oath of allegiance or make an affirmation in the prescribed manner and form.Part VI – Dual citizenship
25. Dual citizenship
26. Restoration of ceased citizenship
A person who ceased to be a citizen before the commencement of the Constitution, as a result of acquiring the citizenship of another country, may make an application to the Board for the restoration of the citizenship of Zambia, in the prescribed form.[Cap. 1]Part VII – Deprivation and renunciation of citizenship
27. Loss of citizenship
A person loses citizenship by registration if that person is deprived of the citizenship under section twenty-nine.28. Notice of intention to deprive person of citizenship
29. Deprivation of citizenship
30. Appeal
A person who is aggrieved by a decision of the Board may, within thirty days of receiving the decision, appeal to the High Court.31. Appointment of commissioner
32. Renunciation of citizenship
Part VIII – Financial provisions
33. Funds of Board
34. Financial year
The financial year of the Board shall be a period of twelve months ending on 31st December in each year.35 Accounts and audit
36. Annual report
Part IX – General provisions
37. Register
The Chief Passports and Citizenship Officer shall keep and maintain, in the prescribed form—38. Correction of errors in register
Where the Board has reason to believe that an error appears in any register compiled and maintained under section thirty-seven, the Board shall, after giving notice to the person concerned and after considering any representations from the person, direct the Chief Passports and Citizenship Officer to effect such alterations in the register as may appear to the Board to be necessary to correct the error.39. Producing false or misleading documents
40. Failure or refusal to return national identity document
41. Unlawful possession of national identity document
42. General offences
43. Privileged report
A report, statement or other communication or record of a meeting, inquiry or proceeding of the Board relating to the exercise of its functions or a report, statement or other communication or record made by a member for the purposes of the Board in the course of duty, and any application form, report or other communication dispatched to the Board in connection with the performance of its functions, and in the possession of the Board, is privileged and shall not be produced or compelled in any legal proceeding unless the Chairperson so directs, in writing, or a court so orders.44. Evidence
45. Regulations
46. Repeal of Cap. 124
The Citizenship of Zambia Act, 1975 is repealed.47. Savings and transitional provisions
History of this document
07 June 2016 this version
06 June 2016
Assented to
Cited documents 0
Documents citing this one 249
Gazette 245
Judgment 3
Statutory Instrument 1
1. | Citizenship of Zambia Regulations, 2017 |
Subsidiary legislation
Citizenship of Zambia (Amendment) Regulations, 2022 | Statutory Instrument 27 of 2022 | 1 April 2022 |
Citizenship of Zambia Regulations, 2017 | Statutory Instrument 50 of 2017 | 1 January 2022 |