Excess Expenditure Appropriation (2020) Act, 2020

Act 9 of 2020


Excess Expenditure Appropriation (2020) Act, 2020

Act 9 of 2020

An Act to approve excess expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of monies aggregating fifteen billion, four hundred sixty-four million, two hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred seventy-four kwacha.ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Excess Expenditure Appropriation (2020) Act, 2020.

2. Excess expenditure appropriation

On the authority of a warrant issued by the President, there may be expended from the Consolidated Fund, such monies not exceeding in the aggregate fifteen billion, four hundred sixty-four million, two hundred seventeen thousand, four hundred seventy-four kwacha indicated in respect of the services of the Republic specified in the third column of the First and Second Schedules, being expenditure in excess of the monies appropriated for the services of the Republic during the financial year ending on 31st December, 2020.

First Schedule (Section 2)

No. of HeadInstitution/ProgrammeAppropriation Amount
02Office of the Vice-President 
/01Human Resource and Administration20,000,000
/04Parliamentary Business Department1,000,000
05Electoral Commission 
11Zambia Police - Ministry of Home Affairs 
12Office of the Public Protector 
/01Human Resource and Administration - Department700,000
15Ministry of Home Affairs 
/06National Registration Repartment28,709,768
/29Northern Province - Immigration Department9,398
/46Registrar of Societies500,000
16Drug Enforcement Commission 
/01Drug Enforcement Commission - Headquarters145,800
17Ministry of Foreign Affairs 
21Loans and Investments 
/01Ministry of Finance900,000,000
26Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Services 
/03Planning and Information116,606,108
31Ministry of Justice 
/02Attorney-General's Chambers440,000,000
34Human Rights Commission 
77Ministry of Defence 
/02Zambia Army63,378,234
/03Zambia Air Force232,206,990
/04Zambia National Service2,581,026
/06Department of Defence Intelligence4,000,000
/08Land Development Branch28,000,000
78Zambia Security Intelligence Services - Office of the President 
87Anti-Corruption Commission 
89Ministry of Agriculture 
/03Policy and Planning Department36,867,267
/09Agribusiness and Marketing Department1,700,000,000
/30Luapula Province — Provincial Agriculture Coordinating Office387,775
91Office of the President - Copperbelt Province 
92Office of the President - Central Province 
99Constitutional and Statutory Expenditure 
/06Debt Service5,713,659,138
 SUB TOTAL10,614,353,903
03National Assembly 
/3000Legislative Enactment35,971,188
/3002Parliamentary Representation19,541,317
/3005Management and Support Services400,000
04Ministry of Gender 
/4001Gender Equity and Equality64,000
/4002Management and Support Services161,000
/702Management and Support Services34,115,066
08Cabinet Office 
/804State and Presidential Affairs120,000,000
14Ministry of Mines and Mineral Development 
/1403Mines Development and Management2,741,727
19Disaster Management Mitigation Unit 
/3401Disaster Risk Management450,000,000
29Ministry of Local Government 
/2902Local Governance158,861,005
33Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry 
/3302Standards and Quality Assurance2,083,333
37Ministry of Finance 
/3701Economic Management338,223
/3702Fiscal Management2,143,900
/3703Public Financial Management1,232,294,686
/3704Internal Audit and Risk Management65,428
/3706Management and Support Services586,603,845
38Ministry of National Development Planning 
/3801Socio-Economic Development Planning and Coordination156,048,755
39Smart Zambia Institute 
/3900Electronic Government5,255,160
44Ministry of Labour and Social Security 
/4404Management and Support Services1,600,000
45Ministry of Community Development and SocialServices 
/4501Social Assistance335,000,000
/4502Social Welfare33,350,000
/4503Community Development60,483,000
46Ministry of Health 
/4601Primary Health Services503,056,613
4605Management and Support Services6,516,926
51Ministry of Transport and Communications 
/5101Air, Road, Maritime and Railway Transport Development38,000,000
52Ministry of Water Development, Sanitation and Environmental Protection 
/5201Water Resource Management Development34,456,609
54Ministry of Housing and Infrastructure Development 
/5402Public Infrastructure Development56,476,947
62Ministry of Energy 
/6201Petroleum Development Management1,300,000
64Ministry of Works and Supply 
/6401Government Asset Management9,374,960
/6403Government Printing Services9,000,000
65Ministry of Higher Education 
/5504University Education80,000,000
68Ministry of Tourism and Arts 
/6803Arts and Culture Preservation Promotion30,000,000
76Ministry of Youth, Sport and Child Development 
/5511Youth Development470,000,000
80Ministry of General Education 
/5503Secondary Education15,000,000
/5508Management and Support Services26,847,202
85Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources 
/2107Management and Support Services4,710,496
86Ministry of Fisheries and Livestock 
/8601Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement112,883,197
/8602Fisheries Production and Productivity Improvement188,876,616
/8603Animal Health Extension26,242,372
 SUB TOTAL4,849,863,571
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History of this document

23 November 2020 this version
Assented to