Social Workers’ Association of Zambia Act, 2022
Act 4 of 2022
- Published on 12 April 2022
- Assented to on 12 April 2022
- Commenced
- [This is the version of this document from 12 April 2022.]
Part I – Preliminary and provisions
1. Short title and commencement
This Act may be cited as the Social Workers’ Association of Zambia Act, 2022, and shall come into operation on the date appointed by the Minister by statutory instrument.2. Interpretation
In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires—"associate" has the meaning assigned to the word in the Anti-Corruption Act, 2012;[Act No. 3 of 2012]"Association" means the Social Workers’ Association of Zambia continued under section 3;"Association member" means a person registered as a member of the Association in accordance with this Act and the constitution, and "membership" shall be construed accordingly;"certificate of registration" means the certificate of registration issued under section 14;"Chairperson" means the person appointed as Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee under section 36;"code of ethics" means the code of professional conduct adopted and published by the Association for the purposes of this Act;"constitution" means the constitution of the Association;"Council" means the Council of the Association constituted under section 8;"council member" means a person elected as a council member in accordance with section 8;"Deputy Registrar" means the person appointed as Deputy Registrar under section 10;"Disciplinary Committee" means the Disciplinary Committee constituted under section 36;"field of speciality" includes clinical social work, medical and prison social work, mental health and disability social work, therapy and counseling social work, group and family social work, community development social work, social work research and social work administration;"higher education institution" has the meaning assigned to the words in the Higher Education Act, 2013;[Act No. 4 of 2013]"Law Association of Zambia" means the Law Association of Zambia established by the Law Association of Zambia Act;[Cap. 31]"legal practitioner" has the meaning assigned to the word "practitioner" in the Legal Practitioners Act;[Cap. 30]"legally disqualified" means the absence of legal capacity as provided in section 4 of the Mental Health Act, 2019;[Act No. 6 of 2019]"mental health practitioner" has the meaning assigned to the words in the Mental Health Act, 2019[Act No. 6 of 2019]"practising certificate" means a certificate issued under section 22;"President" means the person elected as President of the Association under section 6;"professional misconduct" means the conduct referred to under section 34;"register" means the register prepared and maintained in accordance with section 30;"Registrar" means a person appointed as Registrar under section 10;"relative" has the meaning assigned to the word in the Anti-Corruption Act, 2012;[Act No. 3 of 2012]"social work" means the practice that seeks to enhance or restore human well being through social case work, social group work, community development, social administration and social research;"social worker" means a person who holds a minimum qualification of a diploma in social work from a registered higher education institution;"Vice-Chairperson" means the person appointed as Vice-Chairperson of the Disciplinary Committee under section 36;"Vice-President" means the person elected as Vice-President of the Association under section 6; and"Zambia Qualifications Authority" means the Zambia Qualifications Authority established under the Zambia Qualifications Authority Act, 2011.[Act No. 13 of 2011]Part II – The Social Workers’ Association of Zambia
3. Establishment of Social Workers’ Association of Zambia
4. Functions of Association
The functions of the Association are to—5. Constitution of Association
6. President and Vice-President of Association
The Association shall elect the President and the Vice-President of the Association in accordance with the provisions of the constitution.7. Meetings of Association
Part III – The Council of the Association
8. Council of Association
9. Functions of Council
The functions of the Council are to—10. Registrar, Deputy Registrar and other staff
11. Inspectors
Part IV – Membership, registration and practising certificate
12. Classes of membership
13. Prohibition of person practising without registration
14. Application for registration as social worker
15. Registration of social worker
16. Disqualification from registration
A person shall not qualify for registration as a social worker under this Act if that person is—17. Change in details
A person registered under this Act shall notify the Registrar of any change in the particulars relating to the registration within seven days of the change.18. Suspension and cancellation of registration
19. Re-registration
Where a certificate of registration is cancelled or suspended under section 18, the holder of the certificate of registration may apply to the Council for re-registration, subject to the terms and conditions that the Council may determine.20. Holding out as social worker
21. Prohibition of practice without practising certificate
22. Practising certificate
23. Display of practising certificate
A holder of a practising certificate shall display the practising certificate in a conspicuous place at the place of practice.24. Fees for social work services
A holder of a practising certificate may, for professional services rendered, charge fees that the Minister may prescribe, by statutory instrument, on the recommendation of the Council.25. Renewal of practising certificate
26. Suspension and cancellation of practising certificate
27. Prohibition of transfer of certificate of registration or practising certificate
A certificate of registration or practising certificate issued under this Act shall not be transferred to a third party.28. Duplicate certificate of registration or practising certificate
29. Certificate of status
30. Register
31. Maintenance of non-practising social worker on register
The Council may, where a holder of a practising certificate does not intend to practice for a specified period of time, maintain the name of the holder of the practising certificate on the register, in a non-practising category.32. Publication of copies of register
Part V – Discipline and ethics
33. Code of ethics
The Association shall adopt and publish a code of ethics for social workers, which shall bind all social workers regulated under this Act.34. Professional misconduct
A social worker commits professional misconduct if that social worker—35. Initiation of complaint
36. Disciplinary Committee
37. Functions of Disciplinary Committee
The functions of the Disciplinary Committee are to hear and determine a—38. Proceedings of Disciplinary Committee
39. Powers of Disciplinary Committee
40. Inquiry into legal capacity of social worker
41. Reports by Disciplinary Committee
42. Rules relating to disciplinary proceedings
Part VI – General provisions
43. Appeals
44. Offences regarding registered social worker
45. Guidelines
46. Regulations
47. Savings and transitional provisions
The Second Schedule applies to savings and transitional arrangements relating to the Association.History of this document
12 April 2022 this version
Assented to