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Supplementary Appropriation (2023) Act, 2023

Act 10 of 2023


Supplementary Appropriation (2023) Act, 2023

Act 10 of 2023

An Act to authorise supplementary expenditure from the Consolidated Fund of monies required for the services of the Republic during the financial year ending 31st December, 2023, not exceeding in the aggregate eleven billion, five hundred thirteen million, eight hundred forty-five thousand, eight hundred seventy-three-kwacha.ENACTED by the Parliament of Zambia.

1. Short title

This Act may be cited as the Supplementary Appropriation (2023) Act, 2023.

2. Supplementary appropriation

On the authority of a warrant issued by the President, there may be expended from the Consolidated Fund, such monies not exceeding in the aggregate eleven billion, five hundred thirteen million, eight hundred forty-five thousand, eight hundred seventy-three kwacha indicated in respect of the services of the Republic specified in the third column of the Schedule, being expenditure in excess of the monies appropriated for the services of the Republic during the financial year ending on 31st December, 2023.

Schedule (Section 2)

No. of HeadInstitutionAppropriation amount
01State House 
3425Presidential Advisory Services500,000
3427Presidential Affairs and Initiatives300,000
3499Management and Support Services4,200,000
02Office of the Vice-President 
3428Government Business60,000,000
3429Parliamentary Affairs2,000,000
03National Assembly 
3404Parliamentary Oversight65,000,000
05Electoral Commission of Zambia 
3499Management and Support Services5,000,000
07Office of the Auditor-General 
3406External Audit and Assurance5,546,860
3499Management and Support Services3,800,000
08Cabinet Office - Office of the President 
3418State and Presidential Affairs100,000,000
3466Gender Equity and Equality2,693,170
3499Management and Support Service5,000,000
11Zambia Police Service 
4155Crime Prevention and Policing Services10,000,000
4157Police Technical and Specialised Services47,744,115
12Office of the Public Protector 
4199Management and Support Services1,345,513
14Ministry of Mines and Minerals Development 
2108Mineral Resource Development and Management5,000,000
2110Mines Development and Management4,620,000
2199Management and Support Service267,000
17Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation 
3435Foreign Policy20,000,000
3436International Relations and Cooperation235,647,786
3499Management and Support Services199,009,512
4199Management and Support Services63,181,250
19Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit 
3401Disaster Risk Management1,600,000
3499Management and Support Services2,161,258
21Ministry of Finance and National Planning Loans and Investments 
3439Financial Investment Management110,000,000
3440Project Investment Management1,257,841,812
23Ministry of Home Affairs and Internal Security National Immigration Services 
4043Migration Services9,500,000
4199Management and Support Services5,500,000
26Ministry of Information and Media 
3447Information Services and Management10,000,000
29Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development 
5525Local Governance298,249,818
5536Rural Development11,056,500
5599Management and Support Services47,000,000
30Zambia Correctional Services 
4135Custodial Services91,508,889
31Ministry of Justice 
4165Legal Services2,001,300
33Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry 
2113Industrial and Enterprise Development101,200,000
34Human Rights Commission 
4140Promotion and Protection of Human Rights3,105,000
4199Management and Support Services3,695,000
35Ministry of Small and Medium Enterprise Development 
2159Small and Medium Enterprise Empowerment15,000,000
37Ministry of Finance and National Planning 
3420Economic Management7,500,000
3421Fiscal Management60,280,799
3422Public Financial Management5,000,000
3423Internal Audit and Risk Management5,500,000
3424Procurement and Stores Management8,500,000
3467Development Planning and Coordination64,830,100
3499Management and Support Services6,500,000
39Smart Zambia Institute 
3415Electronic Government39,912,000
3416Information Communications Technology Systems202,013,536
45Ministry of Community Development and Social Services 
5451Social Assistance1,507,023,081
5453Community Development153,738,802
46Ministry of Health 
5531Primary Health Services2,199,188,861
5532Hospital Services352,000,000
5534Human Resource Development2,000,000
5599Management and Support Services14,859,482
53Ministry of Green Economy and Environment 
2156Green Economy and Climate Change9,500,000
62Ministry of Energy 
2102Electricity Development and Electrification Management30,000,000
66Ministry of Technology and Science 
2152Information Communications Technology Development542,562,788
68Ministry of Tourism 
2127Wildlife Conservation and Management27,701,685
2128Tourism Development and Promotion47,030,162
76Ministry of Youth, Sport and Arts 
5511Youth Development6,000,000
5513Sport Development and Management13,000,000
77Ministry of Defence 
4167Land and Maritime Defence280,805,355
4168Air Defence523,457,671
4169Military National Service96,000,000
4170Military Technical and Specialised Services40,653,296
4199Management and Support Services15,430,335
78Zambia Security Intelligence Service - Office of the President 
4154Specialised and Technical Services220,000,000
80Ministry of Education 
5501Early Childhood Education85,305,478
5502Primary Education149,616,279
5503Secondary Education1,124,566,100
5506University Education17,000,000
5599Management and Support Services1,341,420
85Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources 
2105Land Administration and Regulation15,000,000
86Ministry of Fishes and Livestock 
2130Livestock Production and Productivity Improvement233,000,000
2131Fisheries Production and Productivity Improvement57,025,938
89Ministry of Agriculture 
2143National Food Reserves Management500,000,000
90Office of the President-Lusaka Province 
6102Natural Resource Management1,971,785
92Office of the President - Central Province 
6199Management and Support Services8,626,615
93Office of the President - Northern Province 
6101Community Development and Social Services337,143
6102Natural Resource Management1,154,000
6103Economic Development821,854
6104Local Government Services25,564
6199Management and Support Services8,601,805
96Office of the President - Luapula Province 
6102Natural Resource Management771,494
97Office of the President - North Western Province 
6199Management and Support Services6,079,090
98Office of the President - Southern Province 
6102Natural Resource Management4,157,272
6103Economic Development446,712
6104Local Government Services415,659
6199Management and Support Services6,318,930
 GRAND TOTAL11,513,845,873
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History of this document

17 August 2023 this version
15 August 2023
Assented to