Immigration and Deportation Act, 1965
Immigration and Deportation Act (Fees) (Waiver) Regulations, 2000
Statutory Instrument 3 of 2001
- Published in Government Gazette on 12 January 2001
- Assented to on 3 January 2001
- Commenced on 12 January 2001
- [This is the version of this document from 12 January 2001.]
1. Title
These Regulations may be cited as the Immigration and Deportation Act (Fees) (Waiver) Regulations, 2000.2. Waiver of fees
The fees payable under regulation 3 of the Immigration and Deportation Regulations are hereby waived in respect of the Class of persons specified in the Schedule.[Cap. 123 P.2]History of this document
12 January 2001 this version
03 January 2001
Assented to