The Penal Code (Amendment) Bill No. 17 of 2024
Date of Introduction: 31st October 2024
Responsible: Solicitor General
Committee Responsible: Committee on Legal, Human Rights, and Governance.
Deadline for Submission of Comments: 26th November 2024
Contacts for submission of Comments: Email ZambiaLII; Email National Assembly or Visit the National Assembly Submission Portal
Issues addressed: The Penal Code (Amendment) Bill, 2024 seeks to amend the Penal Code Act.
The Bill redefines the word “vandalise” to mean the reckless, or malicious destruction, damage, defacement, disabling, or disruption of public or private property. In the context of computers, it includes actions like interfering with or obstructing lawful computer use, such as through the use of computer viruses, and causing direct or indirect degradation or failure of computer systems or their functions.
The Bill introduces provisions for the offense of stealing medicine, allied substances, medical supplies, medical equipment, critical information infrastructure and electronic communication apparatus.
The Bill has revised the penalties relating to vandalism and made the possession, conveyance and receipt of vandalised property or material an offense.
The Bill enhances the legislation regarding the offense of expressing or displaying hatred, ridicule, or contempt towards an individual or a group of individuals.
Read the Bill.