The Cyber Security Bill No. 29 of 2024

Date of Introduction: 27th November 2024

Responsible: Solicitor General

Committee Responsible: Committee on 

Deadline for Submission of Comments:  December 2024

Contacts for submission of Comments: Email ZambiaLIIEmail National Assembly  or Visit the National Assembly Submission Portal

Issues addressed: The Cyber Security Bill seeks to introduce measures to enhance the protection and regulation of cyber security in Zambia. Once made law it will establish the Zambia Cyber Security Agency, which will oversee national cyber security matters, coordinate responses to incidents, and issue licenses to cyber security service providers. The Bill provides for the formation of both national and sectoral cyber incident response teams to handle threats and ensure critical information infrastructure's resilience.

Additionally, the Bill designates critical information and infrastructure, mandates their registration and protection, and sets security requirements for their management. It also continues the operation of the Central Monitoring and Coordination Centre for lawful interception of communications under stringent conditions. The Bill enforces compliance by licensing cyber security service providers and introducing penalties for breaches of its provisions. It further fosters international cooperation in addressing cyber threats.

This Bill seeks to repeal and replace the Cyber Security and Cyber Crimes Act, 2021 and introduces detailed provisions on cyber security audits, data hosting requirements, and national readiness through annual cyber security exercises. It aims to secure Zambia’s digital environment against evolving cyber threats.

Read the Bill.