High Court of Zambia

2647 documents

Court registries

Title Date
July 2017
Meanwood Finance Corporation Ltd v Hang'omba (HP 513 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 214 (20 July 2017) 20 July 2017
Meanwood Finance Corporation Ltd v Hang'omba (HP 513 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 255 (20 July 2017) 20 July 2017
Pan African Building Society v Yamikani Chiuta Property Ltd and Anor (HP 661 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 360 (20 July 2017) 20 July 2017
Zambia National Commercial Bank Ltd v J. Mwamulima Properties Import (HPC 119 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 243 (20 July 2017) 20 July 2017
Zambia National Commercial Bank Ltd v J. Mwamulima Properties Import (HPC 119 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 284 (20 July 2017) 20 July 2017
Aaron Brisbane Siangoma Mapulanga v Zambia National Commercial Bank Plc (HP 311 of 2015) [2017] ZMHC 158 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Herbert Chungu Sikanyika v Sikanyika (HP/D 47 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 392 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Jay Chisanga and Another v United Bank of Zambia (HP 1609 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 153 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
John Mwape Sulako v The People (HNA/08/2017) [2017] ZMHC 536 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Lendor and Burton Construction Limited v The Attorney General (2010/HP/925) [2017] ZMHC 507 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Lendor and Burton Construction v The Attorney General (HP 952 of 2010) [2017] ZMHC 101 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Madison Finance Company Ltd v Kayo Trading Ltd and Ors (HP 679 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 425 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Reuben Daka v Pentecostal Holiness Church (HP 2020 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 155 (19 July 2017) 19 July 2017
Grace Zulu Moyo v Moyo (HPF/D 127 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 474 (18 July 2017) 18 July 2017
Development Bank of Zambia v Rozho Enterprises Ltd and Ors (HPC 83 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 450 (17 July 2017) 17 July 2017
Abdul Patel v Lusaka City Council (HP 926 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 417 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
Joseph Bwalanda v Jun Zhang and Ors (HP 339 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 317 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
Kayuni Social Services Development Association v The Attorney General and Another (HP 1570 of 1999) [2017] ZMHC 85 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
Maggie Mwansa v Joseph Kafula Mweye (Administrator and Beneficiary of the Estate of the late John Chifuta) and Anor (2015/HN/CA/36) [2017] ZMHC 528 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
People v Kawanda and Another (HP 109 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 182 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
The People v Allan Chibuye (HNS/38/2017) [2017] ZMHC 539 (14 July 2017) 14 July 2017
Citizens Economic Empowerment Commission v Bank of Zambia (HPC 35 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 459 (13 July 2017) 13 July 2017
Knox Mbazima v Tobacco Association of Zambia (HP/ARB 9 of 2015) [2017] ZMHC 458 (13 July 2017) 13 July 2017
Peggy Chibuye v Mushilungwe (HP 1456 of 2015) [2017] ZMHC 157 (13 July 2017) 13 July 2017
Precious Ngwenya Munkasu v Munkasu (HP/D 75 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 473 (13 July 2017) 13 July 2017
Titus International Ltd v Finance Bank Zambia Ltd (HP 150 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 423 (13 July 2017) 13 July 2017
Danstan Siame v Trollip (HP 1036 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 430 (12 July 2017) 12 July 2017
Mirriam Chivasa v International Gaming Africa (HP 979 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 429 (12 July 2017) 12 July 2017
Sishekanu Lisimba v Nyirenda and Anor (HP/A 10 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 443 (12 July 2017) 12 July 2017
Sirocco Enterprises Ltd v Bell Equipment Ltd (HPC 83 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 452 (11 July 2017) 11 July 2017
Ayub Mulla and Ors v Intermarket Banking Corporation (z) Ltd (HP 782 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 376 (10 July 2017) 10 July 2017
Status Mineral Exploration Limited v Oceana Ore Limited and Another (HPC 174 of 2012) [2017] ZMHC 117 (10 July 2017) 10 July 2017
Tiye Limited v Bulaya and Another (HP 763 of 2012) [2017] ZMHC 112 (10 July 2017) 10 July 2017
Robinson Kalota and Another v Mudenda and Others (HP 1613 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 145 (8 July 2017) 8 July 2017
Robinson Kalota and Another v Mudenda and Others (HP 1613 of 2014) [2017] ZMHC 146 (8 July 2017) 8 July 2017
Dorcas Ngulube Chisenga v Chisenga (HP/D 352 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 283 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
Dorcas Ngulube Chisenga v Emmanuel Chisenga (2016/HP/D352) [2017] ZMHC 560 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
Nathan Kabwita Mulonga v Banda and Ors (HP 552 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 371 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
Omar Dirie Hirsi v Attorney General (HP 380 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 368 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
Omar Dirie Hirsi v The Attorney General (2017 /HP /0380) [2017] ZMHC 516 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
Rhoydie Chisanga v Sikutwe and Ors (HPC 536 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 346 (7 July 2017) 7 July 2017
June 2017
Billiard Mukunkami v Attorney General (HP 885 of 2013) [2017] ZMHC 125 (30 June 2017) 30 June 2017
Fratelli Lochi Sri Estrazion Minerarie v Road Development Agency (HPC/ARB 493 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 310 (30 June 2017) 30 June 2017
Victor Silumbwe v Pulse Financial Services Ltd (HP 1232 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 233 (30 June 2017) 30 June 2017
Victor Silumbwe v Pulse Financial Services Ltd (HP 1232 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 273 (30 June 2017) 30 June 2017
Zambia National Commercial Bank v Mainza (HPC 49 of 2017) [2017] ZMHC 404 (30 June 2017) 30 June 2017
Cavmont Bank Ltd v Kegan Services Ltd and Anor (HPC 547 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 303 (29 June 2017) 29 June 2017
Development Bank of Zambia v Ald Plant and Fleet Management Limited (2016/HPC/0543) [2017] ZMHC 513 (29 June 2017) 29 June 2017
Development Bank of Zambia v Ald Plant and Fleet Management Ltd and Ors (HPC 543 of 2016) [2017] ZMHC 302 (29 June 2017) 29 June 2017
Fingani Mbeba v Barclays Bank Zambia Plc (HP 470 of 2013) [2017] ZMHC 122 (29 June 2017) 29 June 2017